Dear Former Vice President Dick Cheney:
America does well when its constituencies plan for the future.
I am really unflattered by your usual and repeativitive commentaries about how the advanced interrogation teqhniques were the key ingredient that solved the needs of our interogation techniques in the era where Terror was new and ever present in the middle east.
Americans today as you are clearly aware are no longer supporting this way of interrogation and you should be more concerned with our future than you are in the need to justify your own previous agenda.
The fact is this Mr. Cheneny: You are part of the fall and not present today as part of the challenge.
I suggest that your day would be served well if you discussed that America understands that there was a difficult era where we were threatened by threats yet unknown to us and that the advanced interrogation was the procedure that we convened at that time to fight Terror and do the best we could muster to prevent future threats in the manner that you did not think would be a crime to your own agenda.
It is clear that torture is a crime againat humanity and I would suggest to you that while you may have saved a few thousand blood cells of the Western World's collective existence overall, you did not prevent the destruction of any major artery overall and in light of this, you need to ascertain that American Citizens and others who lead this nation have a right to disavow the usefulness of a technique that must be completely absolved from our armamentum if we are to indeed esteem to be regarded as an above the violent means as a Nation who enjoys freedom, protects freedoms of even the captive's right to exist in a standard unthreatened and unmolested existence as far as the Geneva Convention guidelines are considered.
Be a part of the challenge and not a part of the fall.
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