Call it the NRA for cigar smokers,
This is a useful organization.
I just joined tonight for the first time. Hoping to get my 2 nice free cigars and have more opportunity to keep the cigar legislation from harming our interests and freedoms.
This is a horrible situation in our society today. Cigars are being taxed more and more and more and yet there is more stringencies on cigar availablity and smoking locations.
What is more harmful to your health? A drinking habit or a cigar enjoyment?
This society we live in puts drinking establishments on every corner of the street yet it limits who and where cigars and pipes can be smoked.
There is more fatality per capita from a alcohol related driving incident or violence than there is from burning your thumb with a cigar.
Something tells me that in our nicotine demonizing society, there has been a major overhaul and reflection on ignorance and inhumanity in that the very usefulness of a G-d given plant is being demonized largely due to the negative effects and presence of cigarette smoking which is a fad that belies the very dissatisfaction in moral and social fiber.
I must say that there should be more promotion of cigar and pipe smoking, especially in the cigarette smoking population.
Where are we missing the point that inhalation tobacco and cigarette should be stifled and demanded to be curtailed and thus if you can substitute another poison for the deadlier one, why are we not promoting this issue in our society?
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