Sunday, July 17, 2011

Herman Cain: Americans Have The Right To Ban Mosques In Their Communities

This is an anti-Islam­ic phobia that is a greater threat to America than the idea that another people may congregate and possibly be anti-ameri­can or wish to supplant our Constituti­on. The Constition allows freedom of religion and therefore Cain is making an unconstitu­tional suggestion and serves to defraud the people of the Great United States of America. This is a problem and it must be dealt with appropriat­ely. Education.

The idea that you can zone out religious buildings is one thing, but to ban a particular faith is unconstitu­tional and must be met with harsh anti tyranny liberal leadership­.

Cain is no different than any of the other fear mongers who try to get their base based on the fear of the unknown.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, July 15, 2011

The Butchering of 8-Year-Old Leiby Kletzky

Consider that this murderer may have had a mental health affliction as well. Did he ever receive psychiatri­c counseling and treatment? That has not come to my attention as of yet. That said, one must also consider the sad and unfortunat­e dismal impression of Jews for the conseling and psychiatri­c treatment of our own people a considerat­ion we must remidy in our communitie­s. We must be more aware of mental health situations and concerns and we must have a conduit for bringing any of our afflicted to counseling and treatment in the time before any such situation becomes so severe that it outweight a man or woman's sense of propriety or sanity. This is a concern of my own, though clearly this is an abhorrent situation. We must consider attending to more of the needs of our community. This man was loosely attached to society as I understand the situation. Was there neglect of our responsibi­lity to him prior to this and clearly will we still neglect the care and treatment of the truly sick, unorthodox and broken mind?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Next America

I have this theory of mine that I am thinking about today.
There are a few problems in North America regarding interstate commerce as well as national influence.
The Quebecians have long had movements to secede from the Canadian Province System.
That said, There is also a movement for a "Cascadia" in the west.  This is theorized to involve the British Columbia State with Vancouver as well as Washington State and portions of Oregon. 
The reason for the Cascadia idea is that there is a growing concern about international commerce between the highly active corridor from Vancouver to Washington and Portland. 
This is in my thoughts never to occur.  The idea was that these states and this province would secede from their unions and form their own nation.  It does make sense in a sense that there would be no tariffs for commerce, but I admit being an American, I see no way that there can be a secession of an American State in this day and age or ever. 
That said, I predict personally that the following will occur:
British Columbia will secede from the Canadian Province System and form a 51st American State.  This in my thoughts would be the state of Cascaic State.  This would ensure that American Laws design all of the commerce and thus the tariff would be eliminated.
The other secesion I predict will happen is that Quebec will ultimately some time secede from Canada.  I do not think that Quebec is stabile enough to be its own Nation, but I predict that it would be the 52nd state of America.  Thus there would be a 52 state Union and I personally do not think this would change the balance of power in any fashion.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Who really is the beneficiary of the Holy Land of Israel?

I would suggest to you that Israel is really America East.   It is a place where American Money is used to build an economy and a military and it is fully in cooperation with the US Mission overall. 

I might have a new world view where I see Hawaii as America West and Israel as America East and the American Nation endures on all faces of the worlds surface.
This makes me proud to be an American.
What else can I add to this?
If not for the USA and our efforts in the WW2 era and before, Israel would never have been able to exist.  And of course without USA, WW2 would have had a different outcome which would be horrible.

So really, Israel is the USA and USA is a beneficiary of Israel.
Its a good way.  I believe God designed it this way.
I believe that America is on all faces of this globe.

Things that have happened and things that are in my beliefs to come

Have happened to date:
The sputtering of the Crusades.
The end of tyranny.
The termination of Italian Fascism.
The implosion and total destruction of Japanese Aggression.
The lackluster finale of the Egyptian Empire.
The abolishion of Slavery.
The end of Communism.
The termination of the Inquisition.
The termination of Naziism.

Things that I believe are yet to come:
The decimation of Islamo Fascism.
The dissolution of Maoist Communism.
The dismantling of Korean Totalitarianism.
The petering out of Venezuelian Intolerance.
The collapse of the Cuban Regime.
The evening out of African Dissimilation.
The death of Radical Pluralism (many many many years from now I believe).
The collapse of Islam to a more practical beleif in God.
The embarrassment of Christianity so that it sees God for who he Really Is Truly.
The total absence of Atheism.
The advent of Religious Humanitarianism.

Things that are ongoing:
The end of Racism.
The end of Homophobia and Fear of The Different.
The slithering away of Anti-semitism.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Burden and Triumph of Principle

Depending on the climate of terror and destructio­n; a prosperous nation must excercize its authority to determine as to what it will continue to seek out among the citizens whom make the breadth of its existence. That said, noone wants big brother, but do you not want to have the jurisprude­nce of a loving body guard at your service. These acts to surveile some of our activities say on the internet and in the public arena are more of a body guard to protect our liberties rather than your big brother to limit your participat­ion in our democracy. True we must always be on guard for tyranny and that is the greatest fear, but today our CIA and FBI is made of a group of fine americans with positive leadership­. We must produce a world for our children where they can safely play in the square of public discourse and that our fathers and mothers can sleep well at night knowing that their children will be safe. I see little way around the patriot act such type legislatio­n when there are true forces at work to destroy the happiness and prosperity that we hold dear. So excuse me if I have never cried wolf on the idea that the FBI might someday check my cyberspace fingerprin­t and see what I am doing with my life. Like a finger print that they take to identify you in public, the patriot act is just checking your fingerprin­t in other modalities­.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Exporting Freedom????

The United States of America does not "export freedom". This is how it goes. We promote peace and prosperity with the idea that the inalienabl­e rights extend past our shores. That said this is a mission to exact harmony and advance knowledge and build strengths. Freedom is not a commodity. It is a priviledge and honor and a God given trust between man and his Creator. That is not a commodity, it is an asset.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Decisions about Tobacco use

This was an article on vos-iz-neias today. 
I have been the participant named Yaakov321 who is writing in the commentary section.
This might be an interesting read to anyone who wants to consider what is truly evil vs what is only an experience that has wicked end effects in some cases.

The problem with Today's videogame experience

Today the video games are more "sophisticated".  True the graphics and game play have improved and evolved.  This is good completely.
But the graphic content today is actually pornographic in nature and though not sexual imagery pornography, it can be a pornographic portrayal of blood and disease and death. 
This is sadly not in any way in my eyes improving and sadly the gaming industry is looking to keep it and make it devolve into the abyss as they try to improve their gaming "experiences".

This is attractive to the gaming industry becuase as you know, pornography is addictive.   Thus the addiction to the gaming is more intense and clearly that sells more video games.
So I propose this to my fellow readers.  Push in the future for some sort of increased surveilance of the video gaming industry.  Its about all you can do.  Truly the rating system is there, but sadly with this form of pornography, the end result is that the user is not aware of its true evil side effects and that means that more persons will become users and subjugated to the troubles and anger and intense video addiction, depersonalization and wicked intensity to violence.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

More -isms and the dinner table

I already have discussed that
1. Conservativism is like keeping your peas on your plate.
2. Liberlism is like mixing your peas with your carrots.
3. Radical pluralism is like stuffing your pork chops down your pants so that noone takes them from you.

What else have I come up with?
4.  Pacifism is like putting chocolate on your peas and carrots.
5.  Permissivism is like putting salt in your milk.
6.  Naziism is like putting ketchup in your milk and then putting wasps in your jello.
7.  Fascism is like putting string beans in your apple sauce.
8.  Hedonism is like putting your apple in your french fries and then stuffing the whole concoction in your bedroom dresser drawer to be admired for the rest of your life.
9.  Maoism is like putting ketchup in your toothpaste and then brushing your teeth.
10.  I am not sure I want to write what Socialism is...

Friday, July 1, 2011

My editorial to the newspaper. Lets see if I get printed.

1 Jul 2011
Dear Voice of the People:

Why can’t we all be liberals and conservative.  Conservatives are people who like to keep their peas on their proverbial plate.  Liberals are people who mix their peas with their carrots.
This can be a good thing.  But contrast that with the radical pluralists.  Radical Pluralists are people who shove their pork chops down their pants because they think someone else is going to take it from them.
The point is that those on the Fox news and other places are not the true conservatives and are really radical pluralists fighting against a simple way of life for those of us with liberal minds.
This is not healthy and we must consider that our future is not to be lived without letting us mix our peas and carrots in life.

State Run Antisemitism. It STILL Exists
This was in the news today.

Glenn Beck's Last Fox News Show: Recap Of The Finale (VIDEO)

Being a Jew, I am completely unimpresse­d with Mr. Beck. He tries to depict himself as the greatest friend of the Jewish nation and he even goes to Israel, but really his main purpose is to promote his antilibera­l, wicked radical pluralist message that attacks the liberalism of today and seeks to destroy the possiblity that our needs can be met by taxing those with higher incomes. That said, Mr. Beck is not my hero and I am very saddened and astonished at the number of religious Jews who seem to think that Mr. Beck is such a hero and friend of the Jewish people. I don't see it and I must say that armageddon is the last of my concerns.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost