Thursday, January 6, 2011

Essential- Medicinal Marijuana Legalization in all 50 states

I must tell you that I firmly believe that all substances created on this planet are for mans use.  Everything.
I can not believe that a Creator exists that would make a weed that grows so abundantly as the cannibis containing marijuana and contains a very special molecule that reacts with our brains on receptors that are too complicated to be created by accidental random evolution for the binding and processing of marijuana cannabinoids.  That said, I must ask, what is it for?  I firmly believe that cannabinoids are a medicine that serves to alleviate the pain of the body.  That is different from nerve induced pain.  The presence of marijuana should be regulated and offered for medicinal use.  Clearly a drug that has the side effect of voracious appetite would be perfect for any anorexia from either disease or psychogenic origin.  It is time that we accept that it is a God given drug that is here for our benefit.  In the event that I had cancer someday, I must say I would greatly appreciate any medicine that takes away the pain of the body that is associated with a foreign abnormal growth in our tissues which serves no bodily purpose.   I am waiting. And if I never have prescribed reason to smoke or consume this medicine, may it be for a blessing.

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