Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Whats wrong with the LEFT

Clearly being a liberal minded blogger, I despise most of the concoctions of the right wing agenda today in politics. 
That does not mean that I soup up every moment of MSNBC.
In truth, there are few television media personalities that today I regard as the voice of freedom and liberty in America.
I was watching MSNBC tonight and their new host Melissa Harris-Perry was decalaring foul play (of course and no big problem there) with Mr. Romney as to his commentary on another interview.  In effect, I agree what his commentary is relevant to discuss is wrong, but the pundit Harris-Perry goes at it to the extent that she Snubs Liberty.  I tuned out.
I also can comment on a few others.
Rachel Maddow who is usually concise in her documnetation of many problems on the right does in fact do a good job at a good level, but in truth, she loves distance and does the worst to outstage the right on all matters of any concern at all.  In effect, she is ratcheting the divide between the conservative and liberal minded voter. 
Occasionaly Ed Schultz does a good job, but in effect, he really is sort of a blow hard and I rarely find his show to be overly informative overall. I do not know.  I'll still be watching, but yet, where are the true liberal voices such as a Ben Franklin or a Thomas Jefferson of our Era.  I am waiting.

1 comment:

  1. As to some others,
    Wolf Blitzer is a Reformist; I do not think that true American Liberalism is his true forte, but he does seem to carry the stories to a good extent. Mostly dry to me.
    Anderson Cooper? Just a textile fundimental token story shaper. I like him and he is ok, but I do not really look foward to all his broadcasts. If they are on, fine, I'll usually watch. Once in a while, he passes to put himself in the limelight and I think that he crosses the line of journalism to a personal activist. That may be his liking, but it detracts from his professionalism.

    The one guy who shines the most usually is Sanjay Gupta. This guy can really post a story and run the gamut of intelligent discussion and often a real liberal approach to solutions today.

    So give me some more pundit/journalists and hopefully we can get a truly respectable liberal agenda to be discussed and with fruition, it can be the maxim of intelligent dialogue from here out.
