This is imporant as William Osler lead the envisionment of a school of thought based on complete scientific evidence as a method of bringing about health, healing, peace and prosperity by the hands of those who graduate with a degree in his science. This is pure trust in God.
That said, Chiropractry is not a medical science. It is a neauvo modern pacifistic idea that perhaps a non medically sanctioned device can do the trick. Sometimes there are results that a patient is afforded healther or less painful feelings in the times after a chiropractor gets involved. As a physician, I can not reccomend chiropractric therapy but I can suggest that it is a consideration to any person that may inquire. Why is this? It is becuase Chiropractry is a valid profession and that the professionals are useful in many ways. They give the person seeking their help a way to alleive an otherwise difficult situation that their doctor can not truly give a scientific fix to or not in the time they seek to fix the said troubles. Science is special but so too is the belief that there is help in the universe. So, I do say that our Creator has created both chiropractors as well as osteopathic physicians as well as holistic healers. But that said none of these professions is seeded in the scientific relevance that medicine is truly a part. So see any doctor you wish, but follow medical advice. If you find happiness in a trust you create on the planet, be free to discuss and enjoy. But be advised that science is the true field of truth and prosperity and that pseudoscience can harm as well as pacify. I did NOT say HEAL.
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