Taxation of our Corporatio
ns is a very useful contributi
on to our national welfare. To think that there are numerous loopholes and that companies such as GE actually are OWED money by the government in the end only submits our nation to a cycle of poverty that will not replenish our national assets. True that outsourcin
g is a "burden loosener" for many corporatio
ns. We must find ways to ensure that our national interests are ensured and find ways that these methods of minimizing production costs are minimized. More incentives are necessary to keep corporatio
n productivi
ty a benefit to all of our people and not just to the company's highest wage earners who do indeed receive a superior portion of company payments. I must say that more accountabl
ity is necessary and perhaps more publicatio
n of the corporate structure and corporate earnings in publicatio
ns that are viewed by more of the general public may in fact be an avenue which may indeed show the corporate leadership that our citizens are served better when they do in fact lower their personal fiscal earnings while at the same time they may be benefitted by public praise of corporate responsibi
lty. Just a thought. Thanks!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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