Dear Readers,
The writer of this blog has decided that he will now endorse the presidency of Mrs. Sarah Palin. No where in history has a more capable human being been created and this woman will have all of our interests at mind. In fact, we will need to pass legislation to abolish term limits and that way, Sarah can be our president well into the next 24 years or more. In effort, we will no longer need social security, we will invade Mexico and Canada and we will maybe even launch some missiles at North Korea (I mean South Korea, whoops).
Ok, Just having fun guys. April Fools right?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Donald Trump: Obama Birth Certificate Could Say He's 'Muslim' (VIDEO)

Well, very interestin
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Pawlenty to the rescue? I think that is not to be our fate.
Mr. Pawlenty is again a sad case of Obama sneering but limiting his own "recommendations" as to what really could be effective in controling the actions and agression of the entire population of the Middle East today.
Obama was wise and just in his no fly zone and if I read Mr. Pawlenty correct, Mr. Obama did not act as fast to get the planes in the air as Mr. Pawlenty necessitates? That said, I do not anticipate that there is a fix for every problem over night. To refuse to send an ambassador, sure you made a statement. But a statement is a stale mate. I think that the idea of an ambassador to tell them that the Americans mean business and want to make sure that the Syrians can communicate is a good way to do business. So, Mr. Pawlenty, again from my learning of your thought processes, you fail to produce any reasonable recommendations or results. I dare think you might be the commander in cheif at some time to come.
Mr. Pawlenty is again a sad case of Obama sneering but limiting his own "recommendations" as to what really could be effective in controling the actions and agression of the entire population of the Middle East today.
Obama was wise and just in his no fly zone and if I read Mr. Pawlenty correct, Mr. Obama did not act as fast to get the planes in the air as Mr. Pawlenty necessitates? That said, I do not anticipate that there is a fix for every problem over night. To refuse to send an ambassador, sure you made a statement. But a statement is a stale mate. I think that the idea of an ambassador to tell them that the Americans mean business and want to make sure that the Syrians can communicate is a good way to do business. So, Mr. Pawlenty, again from my learning of your thought processes, you fail to produce any reasonable recommendations or results. I dare think you might be the commander in cheif at some time to come.
Mexican Standoff

Great topic for the debate ahead. I must say that the War on Drugs might actually be a War against Civilizati
It was written recently in the Miami Herald by an Anesthesio
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
My thoughts on the execution of Mr. Saddam Hussein
The world is healthier, holier and better because Mr. Hussein was hung for the true crimes against humanity that he was in fact very guilty indeed of committing. That said, I do not agree we were right to begin a national invasion of the nation of Iraq to depose of this horrible tyrant and murderous thug. This was not the declaration of war against the peaceful nations in the world, just a threat of terror and war. That is not an indication for invasion I am beginning to see today. That said, we did indeed condemn, destroy and route the Baath Party and all of its terrible legionaries. It was a good way to end a terrible era but it was not the best. It was not a crime against humanity to ensure that his despotic regime did not continue its hold on the lives of the Iraqis and to destroy its presence in the region that it clearly destabilized. What actions are taken are done. We must learn to apply better principles and policy in the future and ensure that world events are to the health and prosperity of the greatest number of human beings on this planet. That said, I currently support Mr. Obama's current position to ensure a no fly zone in Libya without (at least today) putting boots on the ground to route and depose of the Tyrant Mr. Khadaffi.
It was a good idea to remove the despot and I do not think that history will be harsh in any way on Mr. Bush and our allies.
That said, it is not the highest blessed result that we have done what we have done in light of the military usage, the numbers hurt, maimed and killed and the amount of financial commitment that was needed to carry out the Iraq War effort.
So that is that.
Learn from history.
Do not brazenly slander or forcefully try to humiliate the leadership of our western societies in the past.
Be honorable and support the peace and prosperity of the nations in the future.
It was a good idea to remove the despot and I do not think that history will be harsh in any way on Mr. Bush and our allies.
That said, it is not the highest blessed result that we have done what we have done in light of the military usage, the numbers hurt, maimed and killed and the amount of financial commitment that was needed to carry out the Iraq War effort.
So that is that.
Learn from history.
Do not brazenly slander or forcefully try to humiliate the leadership of our western societies in the past.
Be honorable and support the peace and prosperity of the nations in the future.
Deciding public opinion on the Iraq war of the Bush 43 Era
It took me many years and it was not until just recently that I felt that this particular view of Mr. Obama was in fact the right thinking on Iraq. I was swayed by Mr. Powell's speech and the purported conversations played of Iraqi military personell supposedly aiming to clean up their fingerprint of WMDs. That said, the actual bombing of Iraq I think I am still on board with its decision. However the long lasting ground war in my current thinking is quite likely not the aim of True American Interest. Gladfully, Mr. Hussein was disposed. But that said, there was not a humanitarian crisis in the year that we invaded Iraq. Had this been done during the time that the Kurds were slaughtered a different perspective may be clear. That said, I think that we today owe it to the previously Sovereign nation of Iraq and clearly not a pending brink of war nation either to reestablish their prosperity and reestablish their capacity to care for their own people.
It would be a benevolent act for America to ensure that the hospitals that care for the Iraqis are fit for future needs and that the health care of the nation that we surreptitiously chose to modify by military force is fit to serve the future needs of their people. That does not mean fund their health care, but it does mean that our people would likely need to change any infrastructure that is not functional into functional infrastructure to better provide for the needs of this population. That is my personal thought on this matter and in no way does the USA have to admit that we were "arrogant or foolish" to make such an invasion. We did a course of action that likely can be debated for the years ahead but hopefully does ensure stability in the middle east. Let's hope that the future is healthier than the past. Thanks.
It took me many years and it was not until just recently that I felt that this particular view of Mr. Obama was in fact the right thinking on Iraq. I was swayed by Mr. Powell's speech and the purported conversations played of Iraqi military personell supposedly aiming to clean up their fingerprint of WMDs. That said, the actual bombing of Iraq I think I am still on board with its decision. However the long lasting ground war in my current thinking is quite likely not the aim of True American Interest. Gladfully, Mr. Hussein was disposed. But that said, there was not a humanitarian crisis in the year that we invaded Iraq. Had this been done during the time that the Kurds were slaughtered a different perspective may be clear. That said, I think that we today owe it to the previously Sovereign nation of Iraq and clearly not a pending brink of war nation either to reestablish their prosperity and reestablish their capacity to care for their own people.
It would be a benevolent act for America to ensure that the hospitals that care for the Iraqis are fit for future needs and that the health care of the nation that we surreptitiously chose to modify by military force is fit to serve the future needs of their people. That does not mean fund their health care, but it does mean that our people would likely need to change any infrastructure that is not functional into functional infrastructure to better provide for the needs of this population. That is my personal thought on this matter and in no way does the USA have to admit that we were "arrogant or foolish" to make such an invasion. We did a course of action that likely can be debated for the years ahead but hopefully does ensure stability in the middle east. Let's hope that the future is healthier than the past. Thanks.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Organizing your soul for the future
There is no excuse for any person growing up in America today for not completing at the very least a high school equivalence of education. This goes without saying. I must be R rated here for I wish to report that any person in America without a high school educational degree in this day and age (save perhaps someone with a physical or health related disability) is to be likened to a cat in a whore house. That is how unappealing this type of person is to my own ideas of prosperity and station in life.
I will also go further to report that if you have at the least a high school education, you really owe to yourself to get a college or technical degree after high school. To forgo higher education in any person whose mind, body and being is healthy is like blowing out all of the candles in your own soul's kitchen of promises.
That is a terrible thing to do.
I will also go further to report that if you have at the least a high school education, you really owe to yourself to get a college or technical degree after high school. To forgo higher education in any person whose mind, body and being is healthy is like blowing out all of the candles in your own soul's kitchen of promises.
That is a terrible thing to do.
Ground Troops to Libya?
It is clear that our Nation has a responsibility to aid those who wish to ensure democracy is possible in Libya. I would certainly consider the idea of arming these rebels at at least the minimum extent. As for boots on the ground, the USA is already involved in other conflicts and this is not exactly a choice we must endeavor to lead the world community by placing boots on the ground in the Libyan peace action, but that said, it would be a strong contribution if the world community might follow and do this themselves. I would suggest that England and France and perhaps other European Nations may have a responsibily to offer a direct physical presence to Libya by placing soldiers in Libya and this is a mission we should encourage our allies to take upon themselves. I do not think that world intersts will be served by arming the rebels only and "waiting to see what comes out". That said, surely Mr. Khadaffi will not endure the changes to the future of Libya.
Debate Rages On Whether Or Not To Arm Libyan Rebels

It is clear that our Nation has a responsibi
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Testing in the Educational Process and Mr. Obama's discussion contribution
I found this article on Mr. Obama's commentary regarding offering "too much" testing to children in high school and primary education. I posted a few comment to follow the article that I will repost here.
Good for Mr. Obama. A liberal interest regarding our testing structure. Who would conclude that our ways are perfect? I think there is substance and I am clearly glad this is a concern or particular on his possible agenda. Go B.H.O. Get them in the seat and make it fit. Thanks!
I remember NOTHING from ANY Standardized test…. EVER. So if it made me “smarter”, I must say I do not receive the blessing of knowing true or false. That said, in this age of internet and free knowledge access being more ubiquitious, we need to train stronger minds who can motivate themselves to bring themselves truth and prosperity. This does not mandate a “test scare” or “testing process”. The children should learn to learn and the teachers are the ones who can devise constructive educational processes to learn. A night staying up cramming is not the worst experience and I know I’ve had a few of my own, but that said, it did not give me a long term benefit and only a breif experience. That said, keep the testing, but consider its relevance and necessity in the order of producing stronger minds.
In addition to the above, I was just reading an article today from the Boston Globe on children’s ability to learn and seek learning. In a study, it was found that children who are given proper instruction and the capacity to explore their environment are more apt to make discovery. In fact, rote academic learning may not be the highest producer of intelligent insight and discovery. It really is important to allow for exploration and clearly in our academic pursuits which do involve routine testing, one is forced to stay on the beat and stay away from the expoloration process where TRUE learning DOES take place. Just a thought. Thanks!
Testing is not about accountability. It is about ability to complete a program of study and perhaps be able to utilize the knowledge to make decisions. To say that one must account for his studies does not ensure that he or she has the capacity to apply the science to a problem or a series of questions. That said, the name of the game is making stronger citizens. Not automatons who are here for the test to ace and then shelve the book for the duration of their existence. Montessori schools are of the notion I believe that one can be an independant learner and master and advance in discovery. Though this is not the ideal model for all schools, its principles are solid and should be incorporated in the schools at some level. I went to a public high school. I have known some privately schooled children whose school (Hawken- Cleveland) was set up to allow for a liberal and free moving educational process. It was like walking out of the gulag and visiting a hotel for blessed thinkers. I must say that I would love to be in a situation where my thoughts and discovery process are not inhibited and in this day and age with internet learning and more media, one can certainly devise a more encompassing curriculum in his private time. The goal should be to produce the thinkers and acheivers of tomorrow. Not the army of ants that can devour tests and sharpen their number 2 pencil. Just a thought. Thanks.
Good for Mr. Obama. A liberal interest regarding our testing structure. Who would conclude that our ways are perfect? I think there is substance and I am clearly glad this is a concern or particular on his possible agenda. Go B.H.O. Get them in the seat and make it fit. Thanks!
I remember NOTHING from ANY Standardized test…. EVER. So if it made me “smarter”, I must say I do not receive the blessing of knowing true or false. That said, in this age of internet and free knowledge access being more ubiquitious, we need to train stronger minds who can motivate themselves to bring themselves truth and prosperity. This does not mandate a “test scare” or “testing process”. The children should learn to learn and the teachers are the ones who can devise constructive educational processes to learn. A night staying up cramming is not the worst experience and I know I’ve had a few of my own, but that said, it did not give me a long term benefit and only a breif experience. That said, keep the testing, but consider its relevance and necessity in the order of producing stronger minds.
In addition to the above, I was just reading an article today from the Boston Globe on children’s ability to learn and seek learning. In a study, it was found that children who are given proper instruction and the capacity to explore their environment are more apt to make discovery. In fact, rote academic learning may not be the highest producer of intelligent insight and discovery. It really is important to allow for exploration and clearly in our academic pursuits which do involve routine testing, one is forced to stay on the beat and stay away from the expoloration process where TRUE learning DOES take place. Just a thought. Thanks!
Testing is not about accountability. It is about ability to complete a program of study and perhaps be able to utilize the knowledge to make decisions. To say that one must account for his studies does not ensure that he or she has the capacity to apply the science to a problem or a series of questions. That said, the name of the game is making stronger citizens. Not automatons who are here for the test to ace and then shelve the book for the duration of their existence. Montessori schools are of the notion I believe that one can be an independant learner and master and advance in discovery. Though this is not the ideal model for all schools, its principles are solid and should be incorporated in the schools at some level. I went to a public high school. I have known some privately schooled children whose school (Hawken- Cleveland) was set up to allow for a liberal and free moving educational process. It was like walking out of the gulag and visiting a hotel for blessed thinkers. I must say that I would love to be in a situation where my thoughts and discovery process are not inhibited and in this day and age with internet learning and more media, one can certainly devise a more encompassing curriculum in his private time. The goal should be to produce the thinkers and acheivers of tomorrow. Not the army of ants that can devour tests and sharpen their number 2 pencil. Just a thought. Thanks.
Returning sums of money that were given in hope of a better future that was not offered
I actually wrote this following letter to the RNC this week. I do not anticipate I will get a response. I actually called 2 times to discuss this matter. The first call was met with the idea that it might in fact be possible to have my contribution returned, but I was hung up upon when I shared my enthusiasm for Mr. Obama's current diplomacy and work. The second call put me through to another person whose phone did not answer so that was the end of that.
I see no reason why we can not ask for our political campaign contributions to be returned if we are so aggreived with the process and experience we have with a particular candidate. They are publically responsible to our nation and to donate to their campaign indicates that you have trust in them to serve publically at a high level of affinity. Mr. McCain in my opinion has not done so to a great extent despite his loss in 2008. That said, I am just trying to tweak the RNC a little bit as they clearly do not represent my thought process in any way and I would like them to know that they have a like mind that no longer is affilitated with their malcontent. To the RNC- I am not your enemy, but you are not my friend either. Thanks!
Dear RNC,
In 2008, I made 2 contributions to Mr. McCains Campaign. I am no longer satisfied with his leadership over the past few years as well, I am quite excited about Mr. Obama's leadership, though I did not vote for Barack Obama myself. I am a physician and I am also on disability. I donated approximately $70 to the McCain Campaign. Since I did this in hope of a better future through his leadership, I must say that I now wish to ask for this funding to perhaps be returned to my accounts. I realize this may seem unusual and clearly the amount is marginal at best. That said, I must say that Mr. Obama is clearly doing what I feel to be the best job and he clearly represents all of my interests today. Mr. McCain was a happy choice for me at the time and I in no way regret my support of his candidacy. That said, I no longer feel that his concerns have been in vogue with my partisanship. I think that it would be a blessing for your committee as well as myself if you might return a sum of $70 US dollars to myself and in that gesture, I could be certain that if a GOP candidate represents my interests in the future, I will be a citizen who may support such a candidate financially. In light of that, Mr. McCain is useful to our congress and I am glad he is a senator. But that said, his notions of disagreement with Mr. Obama at present day are largely disconcerting to my caliber.
So if you may wish to remit such a payment,
Please send to:
Craig Brenner, M.D.
I see no reason why we can not ask for our political campaign contributions to be returned if we are so aggreived with the process and experience we have with a particular candidate. They are publically responsible to our nation and to donate to their campaign indicates that you have trust in them to serve publically at a high level of affinity. Mr. McCain in my opinion has not done so to a great extent despite his loss in 2008. That said, I am just trying to tweak the RNC a little bit as they clearly do not represent my thought process in any way and I would like them to know that they have a like mind that no longer is affilitated with their malcontent. To the RNC- I am not your enemy, but you are not my friend either. Thanks!
Dear RNC,
In 2008, I made 2 contributions to Mr. McCains Campaign. I am no longer satisfied with his leadership over the past few years as well, I am quite excited about Mr. Obama's leadership, though I did not vote for Barack Obama myself. I am a physician and I am also on disability. I donated approximately $70 to the McCain Campaign. Since I did this in hope of a better future through his leadership, I must say that I now wish to ask for this funding to perhaps be returned to my accounts. I realize this may seem unusual and clearly the amount is marginal at best. That said, I must say that Mr. Obama is clearly doing what I feel to be the best job and he clearly represents all of my interests today. Mr. McCain was a happy choice for me at the time and I in no way regret my support of his candidacy. That said, I no longer feel that his concerns have been in vogue with my partisanship. I think that it would be a blessing for your committee as well as myself if you might return a sum of $70 US dollars to myself and in that gesture, I could be certain that if a GOP candidate represents my interests in the future, I will be a citizen who may support such a candidate financially. In light of that, Mr. McCain is useful to our congress and I am glad he is a senator. But that said, his notions of disagreement with Mr. Obama at present day are largely disconcerting to my caliber.
So if you may wish to remit such a payment,
Please send to:
Craig Brenner, M.D.
Monday, March 28, 2011
College Aspirations and SAT scores
The SAT's have changed some since I was a student in high school. That said, I do remember a math and verbal score. Verbal abilities increase with verbal activities such as reading. The best you can do is keep your children reading and learning. The mathematics score is a good indication as to their ability to process logical information and make rational conclusions. I do not personally believe that the highest scores are necessary in either category and one should have a good high school resume of extracurricular and hopefully organizational based activities. I personally attended college at a special program in a medium sized and more affordable state college. I am confident that my own personal progress and learning was optimal and clearly one must consider where he or she can indeed learn and make friends. I must say that my own college friends did not continue in my daily life after college. Some I do keep touch with on facebook. That said, more of my more important friends are actually those from high school years and one must consider that college is a place for you to refine your skills and your transcript rather than to make a "name" on your resume with a school that has fortified credentials that you think are just going to spill over into your own personal aptitude and endeavors. Good luck!
Ongoing Social Security Concerns
Social Security is a major asset to the wealth and prosperity of our nation. It is very unfortunate that many are interested in limiting and abusing the accessability of this essential and life sparing necessity. There must be more contributions to this major asset of our national health and wellness. To say that we must limit the taxable income and freeze social security increases is a very poor and unhealthy strategy. To consider that you don't need to pay yoru social security tax in a healthy proportion only ensures that you, your community and your future generations will not be served well by a situation that must endure and must bring our people to the front of the classroom at any age of their lives. Thats our job as a socially aware and socially mastered civilization. We must ensure that the lives of our citizens are lived to a capacity that they may be able to supply their homes with all of the necessary income generated trusts that we must indeed provide to all of our citizens, regardless of income, job history or status of acquired disability. This will be the most important fiscal matter of national welfare that our nation must indeed endeavor to strengthen and treasure. I do not think that any such endeavors to privatize more than 20% of the social security measures will ever be a productive or safe endeavor. We must make more progress. Thanks.
An American Industrial Renaissance?

Taxation of our Corporatio
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Playing Dodgeball with the ant eaters
I once had the decision to inquire with a firm called the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitaion. I drove twenty minutes to go down town and I paid for my ride in gold right? They told me that they did not think they were able to find a job placement for a man with a medical degree who wanted some interesting work that was not willing to related to others as anything less than a professional. So that was that. They did not even keep my file open more than a month. They quickly wanted to close business and do their own thing. I felt I had wasted a day and it was really a pain to take part. I must say that the same bureau was recommended to me by a friend who thought that they might be able to indeed get me a possible way of funding some interests in Education such as possibly a course at the college. Again they want me to stop by for in processing. I think that after they do have my name on file, maybe they could take care of this on the phone. I see no reason why I must interview with them in person. My status is not going to change and I am not going for a job interview. So this is plain heresy and I must say I was recently pointed out an article in the local newspaper where by this agency was described as wasteful and ineffective. They might have people sit around all day and play games and put together puzzles as was my understanding. I use this commentary as a method to say that while I am a liberal and want to fund good programs, this particular one like probably quite a few more are indeed rotten inside and out. They may not be necessary but I do want them to exist. That said, lets get the job done and quit wasting precious people's time in each day you work. You are just trying to justify tax payer money by making me visit you when you can answer my needs with a phone call until my signature is truly needed. And I didn't think I was going to sign a deal so soon. Best Wishes BVR, I am not your best friend and I am not thinking I'll keep my 'crucial' appointment this week. Thanks!
Friday, March 11, 2011
The Tea Party's slogan: Don't tread on me
I have seen those Tea party shirts that want to make sure that I don't "take their money". This is what I have to say about this monkey assassination business. They are free to wear their own attire all they may wish, but that said, their complacency in the light of our freedoms requires that we do indeed challenge their ambiguity with our own slogan. I here by propose that My T-shirt will read "I will tread on your mice". That way no one gets stepped on and we do indeed get our tax dollars paid well. Thanks.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Torah: The start of western civilization

Look at that above image. Do you konw what "western civilization" really is? Its not the McDonalds on the street corners of which you should be thinking. Its the Torah. Torah is the beginning of western democracy and useful knowledge. All knowledge prior to Torah was useless philosophically speaking. True you could cook beans and you could shape a sword, but that was not civilization. That was just existence. Torah is civilization. And its almost 4000 years old today. Thats pretty important don't you think?
I wish to online discuss the science or 'science' of chiropractry here online. I am a medical physician of the allopathic school of thought. This means that my school of thought was begun by no other than by Sir William Osler.

This is imporant as William Osler lead the envisionment of a school of thought based on complete scientific evidence as a method of bringing about health, healing, peace and prosperity by the hands of those who graduate with a degree in his science. This is pure trust in God.
That said, Chiropractry is not a medical science. It is a neauvo modern pacifistic idea that perhaps a non medically sanctioned device can do the trick. Sometimes there are results that a patient is afforded healther or less painful feelings in the times after a chiropractor gets involved. As a physician, I can not reccomend chiropractric therapy but I can suggest that it is a consideration to any person that may inquire. Why is this? It is becuase Chiropractry is a valid profession and that the professionals are useful in many ways. They give the person seeking their help a way to alleive an otherwise difficult situation that their doctor can not truly give a scientific fix to or not in the time they seek to fix the said troubles. Science is special but so too is the belief that there is help in the universe. So, I do say that our Creator has created both chiropractors as well as osteopathic physicians as well as holistic healers. But that said none of these professions is seeded in the scientific relevance that medicine is truly a part. So see any doctor you wish, but follow medical advice. If you find happiness in a trust you create on the planet, be free to discuss and enjoy. But be advised that science is the true field of truth and prosperity and that pseudoscience can harm as well as pacify. I did NOT say HEAL.
End Presidential Term Limitations
The purpose of life is to make more life. It is essential that our people be considered to trust in God. If we do, then God will allow someone to serve as long as it may be necessary. No need to consider that a tyrant will rule over our people. So end the term limitations. They are a fools good fortune and not the way of civilized children of the human race. Thanks.
Holocaust Memories
Many people like to say that God does not exist. The holocaust would never happen if God was real. Ok. I see your own crossed eyes here. I think that God does exist and because of the Holocaust, the Jewish people are stronger personally and spiritually today. I can't say that God wants to kill innocent Jews and thats God's plan, but I will say this: The day is past that Jews are sent to death chambers in mass and now we live in an era where such a thing which would have been unimaginable is not unacceptable to anyone on the planet that is an elected leader in the free world. So thank God that the holocaust is not the future and thank God that the past is over. But that said, be aware that the photographs of the people such as in the photograph of Yad Vashem are REAL and their memories will endure. And millions visit that place every year. So think about this. The Jewish people are stronger, the nations are more righteous today and the time is upon us for better things. That's not too bad. So if our Creator did in fact let a holocaust happen which in fact he did, it was not for more than a five year or so period and it did not destroy God's Creation for the happiness of the future. The people who perished were patriots and soldiers. Martyrs they were not because Creation is not a cause, its a fact and those Jewish souls are people who died for their beliefs which is that they were Jewish and that they worshipped the ever living God. That's patriotism and they will always be remembered just the same as many who died fighting for freedom in say the American Revolution or other momentous wars. It was a war and they were the soldiers. And we won the war. So don't complain because we may not think of them in terms of stars and stripes, but we will never forget any of them and that's what you think of when you think of soldiers and patriots. Thanks!
Many people like to say that God does not exist. The holocaust would never happen if God was real. Ok. I see your own crossed eyes here. I think that God does exist and because of the Holocaust, the Jewish people are stronger personally and spiritually today. I can't say that God wants to kill innocent Jews and thats God's plan, but I will say this: The day is past that Jews are sent to death chambers in mass and now we live in an era where such a thing which would have been unimaginable is not unacceptable to anyone on the planet that is an elected leader in the free world. So thank God that the holocaust is not the future and thank God that the past is over. But that said, be aware that the photographs of the people such as in the photograph of Yad Vashem are REAL and their memories will endure. And millions visit that place every year. So think about this. The Jewish people are stronger, the nations are more righteous today and the time is upon us for better things. That's not too bad. So if our Creator did in fact let a holocaust happen which in fact he did, it was not for more than a five year or so period and it did not destroy God's Creation for the happiness of the future. The people who perished were patriots and soldiers. Martyrs they were not because Creation is not a cause, its a fact and those Jewish souls are people who died for their beliefs which is that they were Jewish and that they worshipped the ever living God. That's patriotism and they will always be remembered just the same as many who died fighting for freedom in say the American Revolution or other momentous wars. It was a war and they were the soldiers. And we won the war. So don't complain because we may not think of them in terms of stars and stripes, but we will never forget any of them and that's what you think of when you think of soldiers and patriots. Thanks!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Watching Pat Caddell on Fox News
This is a fellow on Fox news who is a political commentator. I must say that the fellow though he may represent "democratic polling" is a complete illiberal. His facial hair distribution and shaving pattern indicates a life of stuck in the nation of repeat offenders and he particularly looks like a baboon in light of this fact. I would love to sit down and chat with this guy on national television any day of the well. You know the situation. They want the viewer to be afraid of THEM, rather than be afraid of GOD. This buffoon is a slowly spoken illiberal and I could not stand to perceive him any longer than a few minutes. He was on Neil Cavuto's industrially impoverished tele show and I bet he is about as orthodox as a string bean in the rose parade of panty hose conventions. Thanks.
How to be Happy in America
New story this previous weekday. This article has been printed in a few sources and I believe it to be from a deciding consideration made by the non religious affiliated New York Times Publication.
I must say that Mr. Obama's decision to declare that we are not fighting a war on terror is in fact the correct and righteous concept that is extremely important for today's society. To call this a war on Terror implies a state of revenge for the atrocities of the day in September 2001 and other acts prior to that time period. This is a concern becuase the universe is NOT healed by acts of revenge. The concept of exacting harmony is the way in which healing is brought about. The proper term for this war is actually in my thoughts a WAR AGAINST PRIDE. The war against pride is evident because it is the pride of the radical islamists that is the real culprit that lead to the terrorist attacks over seas and at home. This is an important distinction and in the efforts to bring about good health, a pride of benevolence rather than a pride of indifference, I feel that this must be considered in the truth seeking nature that our people and all righteous of all nations seek to employ. Many thanks.
Naming Rights to Nations
I recently read that in some time ago, Mr. Moammar Khadaffi has proposed renaming Israel to a name that placated the desires of both the Jewish people and the Palestinian people. This to me is an attack on Israel and clearly can not be considered without considering a way to bring harmony back to the universe.
I propose the following.
Libya is a nation of terrible news as of recently. A new leadership is imminent. That said, if the current regime feels a right to attack and destroy the Jewish Nation, I feel I personally have the right to make amends by requiring reparations from Libya and asking for them to change their name instead.
I suggest that Libya be renamed Libea and that all further relations with Libea be conducted under a new flag that may indeed be created to signify the fall of a brutal dictatorship and the beginnings of a fresh start.
That is my thought on this topic and I do believe it is a Torah Example that guides this concentration of dignifying change.
I propose the following.
Libya is a nation of terrible news as of recently. A new leadership is imminent. That said, if the current regime feels a right to attack and destroy the Jewish Nation, I feel I personally have the right to make amends by requiring reparations from Libya and asking for them to change their name instead.
I suggest that Libya be renamed Libea and that all further relations with Libea be conducted under a new flag that may indeed be created to signify the fall of a brutal dictatorship and the beginnings of a fresh start.
That is my thought on this topic and I do believe it is a Torah Example that guides this concentration of dignifying change.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Purim guidelines and what every person should know about Purim
I must say that I am not completely orthodox in that I am unsure at this time if I will be finding a place likely in a location that will take me 30 minutes of car travel to hear megilla this year. That said, I will seek the right path for myself in this Purim season and hope that this very important commandement is not a commandment that I will fail to observe in the time ahead.
I must say that Purim is sadly a Jewish observance that most of the religious people of the rest of the world do not know a single detail or more than the name of the holiday. That is terrible. This should be a time of celebration for not just the Jewish population but for the entire world. It is a celebration of life. It is a celebration of salvation. It commemorates acheivement and it inspires us to trust that the Jewish people will never be eliminated from the Earth. This is a human interest. Not just the Jewish people's celebration.
I must say that I am not completely orthodox in that I am unsure at this time if I will be finding a place likely in a location that will take me 30 minutes of car travel to hear megilla this year. That said, I will seek the right path for myself in this Purim season and hope that this very important commandement is not a commandment that I will fail to observe in the time ahead.
I must say that Purim is sadly a Jewish observance that most of the religious people of the rest of the world do not know a single detail or more than the name of the holiday. That is terrible. This should be a time of celebration for not just the Jewish population but for the entire world. It is a celebration of life. It is a celebration of salvation. It commemorates acheivement and it inspires us to trust that the Jewish people will never be eliminated from the Earth. This is a human interest. Not just the Jewish people's celebration.
Monday, March 7, 2011
The problem with mental health awareness
The problem is that the nation as a whole stigmatizes all mental afflictions. It is a poor way to be if you wish to alienate and marginalize any person whose mind is not as organized or applicable to your daily life. I personally think that we need more mental health attention and more spending in this corridor of freedom. Maybe giving more psychiatrists media attention and national exposure will close the gap between the mentally unwell and the healthy persons. I think that we need more pop culture that deals with psychiatry, more books about psychiatry successes, more stories of the persons who have recovered and their stories as well as an increased discussion publically of the benefits of mental health care and treatment. This is necessary and the stigma of a mental illness must be absolved. There is no shame in an illness. Sadly, we are not ready for the future we wish to enjoy.
Sarah Palin blasts Kathy Griffin today
Dear Sarah,
I am amused that you keep trying. Really. I admire that you want to be a great human being, albeit your illiberal and seemingly fascist personality is like me eating a nut meg ice cream sundae with a carrot in the middle. I do think that you are interesting and you never stop giving us somthing to snicker over in the wine aisle of life. But that said, I pray that when you finally wake up one morning and grasp that you are not important for the functioning of tomorrow, you will smile and laugh at yourself for the silly insensitive insane comedy you have indeed provided to a aspiring and growing nation. I tell you that you may have some point in saying that your "children are off limits" (SP criticized KG for a comment about SP's 16 year old today). But that said, I must say that Kathy Griffins brand of comedy is not a smear campaign and not a hostile account of your prosperity. I say that if you want to go to bat with someone like KG, you are just like a frisbee being thrown into the dog house of the bagel sellers warehouse keeper. Really Sarah, I like hearing about you once every 12 days or so and that's fine for me. Stay in the news the next 20 years for all I care. You will never introduce legislation in your day as I predict you are not amiable to hold another political office of grand calibre. Thanks Sarah, you give me a lot of commentary to skillfully and happily converse about on a routine basis. Don't worry Sarah, you wont be forgotten. Not until there is another republican president and hey, in that day, you didn't think we are going to visit you any more did you. That's my personal strategy- smile at your ghost image and prepare a lifesaver to give to you in the here after.
I am amused that you keep trying. Really. I admire that you want to be a great human being, albeit your illiberal and seemingly fascist personality is like me eating a nut meg ice cream sundae with a carrot in the middle. I do think that you are interesting and you never stop giving us somthing to snicker over in the wine aisle of life. But that said, I pray that when you finally wake up one morning and grasp that you are not important for the functioning of tomorrow, you will smile and laugh at yourself for the silly insensitive insane comedy you have indeed provided to a aspiring and growing nation. I tell you that you may have some point in saying that your "children are off limits" (SP criticized KG for a comment about SP's 16 year old today). But that said, I must say that Kathy Griffins brand of comedy is not a smear campaign and not a hostile account of your prosperity. I say that if you want to go to bat with someone like KG, you are just like a frisbee being thrown into the dog house of the bagel sellers warehouse keeper. Really Sarah, I like hearing about you once every 12 days or so and that's fine for me. Stay in the news the next 20 years for all I care. You will never introduce legislation in your day as I predict you are not amiable to hold another political office of grand calibre. Thanks Sarah, you give me a lot of commentary to skillfully and happily converse about on a routine basis. Don't worry Sarah, you wont be forgotten. Not until there is another republican president and hey, in that day, you didn't think we are going to visit you any more did you. That's my personal strategy- smile at your ghost image and prepare a lifesaver to give to you in the here after.
My message to the proselytes who state that "antisemitism" refers to the "semite" people rather than the Jews exclusively
Dear Cornballs,
I live in the modern era. The term anti-semitism is KNOWN to only mean atrocities and crimes against the JEWISH people. You can spin the anvil all day long but you'll never convert a modern world into a touchy feely simpleton existence that regards a word as it is defined by concrete terms. We are not concrete thinkers. Abstract thought trumps juvenile stupidity. Best wishes and good luck with that, really.
I live in the modern era. The term anti-semitism is KNOWN to only mean atrocities and crimes against the JEWISH people. You can spin the anvil all day long but you'll never convert a modern world into a touchy feely simpleton existence that regards a word as it is defined by concrete terms. We are not concrete thinkers. Abstract thought trumps juvenile stupidity. Best wishes and good luck with that, really.
What the hell is a "conservative"
Wake up America!!!!! There's a fish in your bathroom sink and its gasping for air!!!!!!!
What do we have today, one group that selectively says it is the "conservatives" and the other which stands for real human values. We call this liberalism.
What exactly is a 'conservative'. Are they conservative with their relationships among men? Are they conservative with their regard for human dignity? No they are ill bent to dispell the idea that liberalism, an ideal that began in the 1500s is the way of the future. It is. Those who want you to think of them as 'conservatives' are really illiberals. They are the antithesis to that which yields true growth and human dignity in our day. They cling to old broken concepts for fear of a day that life will flourish around them and they will be forced to sacrifice one of their vacations to the great islands somewhere on the map....
These illiberals are not the force of humanity. They are a source of paranoia and discontent set about to make the world a place for the priviledged and not for those who also deserve humanity, pride, dignity and perseverance. I do predict that there will be a day in the future where people will say "what happened to the illiberals. They no longer exist!".
What do we have today, one group that selectively says it is the "conservatives" and the other which stands for real human values. We call this liberalism.
What exactly is a 'conservative'. Are they conservative with their relationships among men? Are they conservative with their regard for human dignity? No they are ill bent to dispell the idea that liberalism, an ideal that began in the 1500s is the way of the future. It is. Those who want you to think of them as 'conservatives' are really illiberals. They are the antithesis to that which yields true growth and human dignity in our day. They cling to old broken concepts for fear of a day that life will flourish around them and they will be forced to sacrifice one of their vacations to the great islands somewhere on the map....
These illiberals are not the force of humanity. They are a source of paranoia and discontent set about to make the world a place for the priviledged and not for those who also deserve humanity, pride, dignity and perseverance. I do predict that there will be a day in the future where people will say "what happened to the illiberals. They no longer exist!".
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Rethinking my position on Same Sex Marriage
I must say that this is the buzzing topic of the same sex relationship world. Should they be permitted equal status across the board. Including legal matrimony. I found myself the recipient of a letter from the Human Rights Campaign today which included a sticker that looks like the follows (just the Equal sign).
I have previously spent alot of time trying to distinguing truth from homophobia and finding my own positions on the gay rights causes. I must say that I have supported PFLAG, but as I am inclined to a life of Torah, I had found that Same Sex marriage at least as so far as in the Orthodox Jewish Practices did not in any way seem to meet our guidelines for marriage under Jewish law.
I have considered that if the states pass measures to accept same sex marriage, that I would support the law. I probably would vote against it I reasoned, but I am only one vote. Lets see what the majority does.
That said, I found myself with the "=" sticker in the mail today and I did not throw it away. I am quite a fond person of stickers, and like to decorate my home with them, where they may be applicable. I found myself walking upstairs with the HRC sticker and found myself peeling the back. It found itself a home in our spare guest room bedroom on the metal closet door. I told myself, this means you support gay marriage. I had to think about this. Surely I do support equal rights in terms of all other aspects of life, military, community, employment etc. But what about marraige? I must say that I think that I would support the legal union of a same sex couple in places outside of Jewish Law. I say this, Jewish law does not consent to validating this type of relationship with Legal Recognition at a Torah level, But I say that one must recognize the laws of his land. It would not be a Torah wedding, but I say I am now going to support such a union and wake up to the emotional and community needs of some people in very serious same sex relationships. That said, I support Torah law in that a man may not lay with a man in the way that he lies with a woman. I do not believe there is any stipulation for the womens same sex behavior, though certain practices are clearly frowned upon.
Protolerance and Pro right to exist /27689
This is Rabbi David M. Horowitz who is the new National President of the Parents and Friends of Lesiban and Gays (PFLAG).
I must admit that in the past, I have had homophobic fears and people such as Rabbi Horowitz were the Isaiah in a time of heresy and intolerance. I remember David Horowitz as he wore a small pink triangle on his jacket for a long time as a notation in the history books that we are to support people in these same sex relationships as a human being who has a right to exist and a right to their relationships.
I must say that I am not an advocate of the right for same sex persons to marry as in the orthodox Jewish faith, this is not valid. I do not however, oppose legislation to do as the nation may so choose in regards to this matter and do not plan to be an advocate one way or another.
(radio broadcast at bottom of WKSU article)
This is Rabbi David M. Horowitz who is the new National President of the Parents and Friends of Lesiban and Gays (PFLAG).
I must admit that in the past, I have had homophobic fears and people such as Rabbi Horowitz were the Isaiah in a time of heresy and intolerance. I remember David Horowitz as he wore a small pink triangle on his jacket for a long time as a notation in the history books that we are to support people in these same sex relationships as a human being who has a right to exist and a right to their relationships.
I must say that I am not an advocate of the right for same sex persons to marry as in the orthodox Jewish faith, this is not valid. I do not however, oppose legislation to do as the nation may so choose in regards to this matter and do not plan to be an advocate one way or another.
(radio broadcast at bottom of WKSU article)
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