Sunday, November 14, 2010

Shrugging Atlas Shrugged

War and Peace. A good read some have said. I got about 100 pages in, didn't know or understand any of the characters and put the book down.  Perhaps for good? I don't know.  Maybe I'll resurrect it someday. But it wont be any time soon.   I've got more to read than War and Peace.

As for Atlas Shrugged, I read enthusiactically the first 350 to 400 pages of what I remember was about700 pages.  Enthusiactically... But then I put the book down and never picked it up again.  It sat in our house for over 7-9 years.  I eventually picked up the tattered paperback and tossed it in the trash. Thats it. I shrugged Altas Shrugged. Ha Ha Ha.

1 comment:

  1. Ok. its been months since I posted this commentary above. I will admit today that I have a new thought that perhaps I shrugged the book too fast. I could have kept it on my shelf somewhere. That would have been the intelligent thing to do. But shrugging it was an emotional conquest. I must say that if I had the book, I would have recalled the time I spend reading it and of course who can resist a tattered paperback book huh? But I can not say I will finish the book any time soon. I do not know if someday I will get another copy, but it is not todays necessity. But that said, I hereby no longer will be shrugging any other books unless they are clearly a offense or an annoyance beyond my own capabilities and interests. I tossed a book called "more than a carpenter" that was about Jesus once. I have no regrets there. Thanks.
