The idea that one can not believe in Intelligent Design or that there is no G-d who could have created this universe out of nothing at all is a major theft of today's society. I accuse those who lead this mockery of Rights to Value ones own Freedom of Thought and Intelligent Assessment to be guilty of a crime against society. I realize that there are many popular scientific arguments for the evolution theories which discount the idea that this world was created by an Intelligent Creator. I must say that I can argue with them and present information that does not support their total theory and that there are many religious thinkers who disagree that the concepts of Darwinism and Evolution are true to this planet and this world. One particular leader whom I have found very thought provoking is the Rabbi Avigdor Miller z'tl who wrote several books including one named Awake My Glory. I found that Awake had many incontroversal arguments which make intelligent design a very viable truth in this universe. I find that todays crusade against the religious person's right to identify with Creation appalling. Sadly, it is that there are many religious fundimentalists who want to limit freedoms in many other ways who do also have a Creationist point of view and thus the Creationist point of view is blamed and bashed along with the irresponsible speaker or leader.
This to me is wicked and I feel threatened every time I as a Creationist am exposed to all of this hatred and resentment and libel.
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