I see the future as a time where the Nation will have a Citizenshi
p Dividend where all citizens who are below a certain income level will be offered a small but useful divident for being a citizen. In fact, in the future, one might imagine that jobs are going to be more and more limited. The idea that one day we will have robots filling in in the work place will surely bring about an era where the rote work is done by automatic computer driven bots and that the average citizen will be freed up to pursue activities such as education, leisure, creativity
, reading and learning. That is probably not a bad society. Think about an economic force driven by robots that produces. This really would allow for a Citizen Dividend and truly our nature as a nation would shift from working for wages to living as educated and productive creative human beings. This is probably not far fetched at all, but dont cry socialism to me. This is a meritorius nation where the just and benevolent have a place at the bargaining table regardless as to whether they have a high salary or own three homes. So look towards the future... I think its going to be very intelligen
t and bright and enjoyable indeed.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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