"A shot of Levittown right in your ass" is my favorite quote of the year so far I think. That was just too funny and too well conscripte
d. I just have to say that I really hope to see more debates between these two personalit
ies. This was my favorite debate that I have seen with Mr. O'reilly as the tormentor. Great job, Jon Stewart. You just made me an overnight fan and I will now begin watching your show on comedy central.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Jon Stewart just undid completely Mr. O'reillys neo-fascist anti-liberal agenda last night. We really need more people like Mr. Stewart on these shows to demonstrate that the anti-liberal rhetoric and agenda is easily shot down and that our sensibilities are clear when discussed by an intelligent and apt human being in the public sphere. Great job liberal minded Americans. I think we have a new student body leader!