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Sunday, May 22, 2011
Are Hispanics the New American Reality? Claro Que Si! But Will They Get Their Own Museum? Quien Sabe.
This is a good thought that there be a Hispanic/S panish speaking American Heritage museum and most certainly there could be a place in D.C. to afford one. That said, it is a cause we should support despite the anti-spani sh xenophobia that does indeed exist here in America. America has a long history of Spanish Speaking influneces as well the Spanish discovered Florida and Texas was predominat ely Spanish during its Mexican rule. That said, I would think that venues such as Texas and Florida, California , AZ and NM would be places where a spanish course should be integral to the entire educationa l process beginning say in 3rd grade and up. I have lived in TX and FL and I can say that it was always a cultural wealth of experience . That said, I did really enjoy the dual language details in Florida and of course the Spanish Language deserves its place in our Nations concourse if it is a concourse in a place where there are a predominan t amount of spanish speakers. But that said, I say that if you are bilingual, be considerat e of those like myself without the spanish skills. I do not find that it is orthodox for one to speak another language in the presence of a predominan tly English speaking population unless it is your only known language and you are not involved in the discourse of the remainder of the community.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
What is Pluralism and what is Radical Pluralism
Pluralism is defined as a theory that there is more than one basic substance or principle. In ecclesiastical considerations it refers to the holding by one person of two of more offices at the same time.
This is a good thing in that it allows our society to constrict our establishment by allowing a more shared system of government.
It is the theory that reality consists of two or more independent elements.
This is good and fine. But too much today, this concept has been taken to extreme measures.
I hereby coin the term "Radical Pluralism" and suggest that this invokes a setting by which a measure is counted multiple times and one might wish to conjure up a society whereby the entire office system is shared with the few and given to only those with privilege and what the radical pluralists honor.
This translates in the following manner.
If you have ever watched Fox News, there is a group of many Americans who call themselves conservatives. They argue that conservative values are what is missing in America and that our people should press for more independence from "liberal destructive forces". This is actually not conservatism at all and it really is radical pluralism. Conservatism dictates that our needs can be trusted to a careful steward. This is a good thing. But the difference in what you see on Fox news today is that the argument is that our needs need to have a higher earning and more official steward. This is not exactly conservatism.
To say that our needs can only be met by keeping our hands off the citizens activities (limited government) or to say that our needs can only be met by removing certain spending activities that are humanitarian in basis is to argue that our future must be conscripted to dignify only the more materially relevant element of our society. This is not orthodoxy. This is actually paganism and heresy.
So with this blog entry, I wish to convey to my future readers that what we need to fight is this radical pluralism. Conservative is good and fine. The fact is that the radical pluralists hide behind the cloak of conservative values and workings.
In truth conservative and liberal thought processes can indeed co-exist and Should co-exist.
The problem today is that the radical pluralists suggest that our American Ideal of American and Human liberalism is a heresy and that it needs to be squelched out and disrupted in all of its ways.
This is actually a crime and our people should fight to avoid it being the actual future of our nation.
This is a good thing in that it allows our society to constrict our establishment by allowing a more shared system of government.
It is the theory that reality consists of two or more independent elements.
This is good and fine. But too much today, this concept has been taken to extreme measures.
I hereby coin the term "Radical Pluralism" and suggest that this invokes a setting by which a measure is counted multiple times and one might wish to conjure up a society whereby the entire office system is shared with the few and given to only those with privilege and what the radical pluralists honor.
This translates in the following manner.
If you have ever watched Fox News, there is a group of many Americans who call themselves conservatives. They argue that conservative values are what is missing in America and that our people should press for more independence from "liberal destructive forces". This is actually not conservatism at all and it really is radical pluralism. Conservatism dictates that our needs can be trusted to a careful steward. This is a good thing. But the difference in what you see on Fox news today is that the argument is that our needs need to have a higher earning and more official steward. This is not exactly conservatism.
To say that our needs can only be met by keeping our hands off the citizens activities (limited government) or to say that our needs can only be met by removing certain spending activities that are humanitarian in basis is to argue that our future must be conscripted to dignify only the more materially relevant element of our society. This is not orthodoxy. This is actually paganism and heresy.
So with this blog entry, I wish to convey to my future readers that what we need to fight is this radical pluralism. Conservative is good and fine. The fact is that the radical pluralists hide behind the cloak of conservative values and workings.
In truth conservative and liberal thought processes can indeed co-exist and Should co-exist.
The problem today is that the radical pluralists suggest that our American Ideal of American and Human liberalism is a heresy and that it needs to be squelched out and disrupted in all of its ways.
This is actually a crime and our people should fight to avoid it being the actual future of our nation.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Politics Today
Be only so conservative that you can spend your dime in a humidor and be only so liberal that you can dive into the deep end and swim back to shore.
Torah Law and Secrets in the Fraternity System
I have to report here that most of the fraternities and sororities are nice secret societies that all have their own secrets and this is a really fun and excellent way to enjoy college and your alumni years.
That said, I am particularly peeved that one particular fraternity that I am knowledgeable about to a small degree does one secret that is done in such a way that it actually violates Torah Law (if you are jewish you might want to consider this) as it seems to me to place a stumbling block before the blind.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, the very first fraternity that I have ever drank a beer at as well, has a special credo that I believe is called "Phi Alpha". They publicize these two letters but they do not explain them to any person. To me this is putting a stumbling block before the blind as it is really unprofessional to have a special code that everyone knows the letters of, but noone knows the true words. This is a stumbling block because the person who hears this must be curious as to its true meaning and for us to know, we would have to ask a brother and clearly they are not to reveal a fraternity secret to the public. Perhaps it can be a neat way to initiate the curious, but I assure you that any person with an interest in Greek Activities might indeed consider that Phi Alpha is a curiousity and wonder as to its true meaning.
That said, I am particularly peeved that one particular fraternity that I am knowledgeable about to a small degree does one secret that is done in such a way that it actually violates Torah Law (if you are jewish you might want to consider this) as it seems to me to place a stumbling block before the blind.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, the very first fraternity that I have ever drank a beer at as well, has a special credo that I believe is called "Phi Alpha". They publicize these two letters but they do not explain them to any person. To me this is putting a stumbling block before the blind as it is really unprofessional to have a special code that everyone knows the letters of, but noone knows the true words. This is a stumbling block because the person who hears this must be curious as to its true meaning and for us to know, we would have to ask a brother and clearly they are not to reveal a fraternity secret to the public. Perhaps it can be a neat way to initiate the curious, but I assure you that any person with an interest in Greek Activities might indeed consider that Phi Alpha is a curiousity and wonder as to its true meaning.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
What I said to a guy who calls himself "proudliberal" but really is a pacifist appeaser (online of course!)
This guy, "proud liberal" is no more liberal that the Ayatolla is a smiley man with balloons. That said, I think that the real liberal viewpoint on whether we should have a State for the "palestinians" in the Jewish Homeland depends entirely on whether the King wants to have that. And I mean OUR KING not the Jordanian one or the future english one either. But that said, we do have a King and he sort of rules the Universe and sort of allows for decrees to be released and publicized daily and every time you wake up in the morning. But that said, I have not yet seen a decree that says "appease the interloper".. But to tell the truth, the Lord works in Mysterious ways and I would never konw if it was his intent to really make a happy rose garden for the arabs to live in the land of Jacob and Abraham and Isaac. But there is always the hope that the little beggars can leave the nice Jewish people alone to make our own beds and keep our Laws as the REAL Decrees DO indeed Say we MUST. But that said, I heard there might be a decree that comes out someday that says "God will no longer tolerate arab squatters on Jewish Homeland Soil" and if that decree comes about and when it does (it will I say) I think that the arabs better high tail it out of Jerusalem and all of the Jewish lands and they better do it as fast as they can before the Creator of the Universe tries to play chicken scratch with a few of their futures. But guys, This creator really knows what He is doing, so rest assured that you do your best to keep our Laws and the Creator will do the rest. At least thats the deal with this "Covenant" that we really seem to be forgetting exists when we live with ervah and foolishness. Got that guys. Im a radical Jew who just does not like the current state of our Nations affairs. Get them Moses!
This guy, "proud liberal" is no more liberal that the Ayatolla is a smiley man with balloons. That said, I think that the real liberal viewpoint on whether we should have a State for the "palestinians" in the Jewish Homeland depends entirely on whether the King wants to have that. And I mean OUR KING not the Jordanian one or the future english one either. But that said, we do have a King and he sort of rules the Universe and sort of allows for decrees to be released and publicized daily and every time you wake up in the morning. But that said, I have not yet seen a decree that says "appease the interloper".. But to tell the truth, the Lord works in Mysterious ways and I would never konw if it was his intent to really make a happy rose garden for the arabs to live in the land of Jacob and Abraham and Isaac. But there is always the hope that the little beggars can leave the nice Jewish people alone to make our own beds and keep our Laws as the REAL Decrees DO indeed Say we MUST. But that said, I heard there might be a decree that comes out someday that says "God will no longer tolerate arab squatters on Jewish Homeland Soil" and if that decree comes about and when it does (it will I say) I think that the arabs better high tail it out of Jerusalem and all of the Jewish lands and they better do it as fast as they can before the Creator of the Universe tries to play chicken scratch with a few of their futures. But guys, This creator really knows what He is doing, so rest assured that you do your best to keep our Laws and the Creator will do the rest. At least thats the deal with this "Covenant" that we really seem to be forgetting exists when we live with ervah and foolishness. Got that guys. Im a radical Jew who just does not like the current state of our Nations affairs. Get them Moses!
Glenn Beck announces Jerusalem Rally- My feelings on this matter.
Glenn Beck is a loose cannon of freak show measures that really just wants to show off in Israel. In a better sense, a rally of this nature in Washington, D.C. would be right in the front pages of the Western World and clearly would be a place where Israel can be elevated throughout the world- in the nations capital of a nation that essentially made it possible through our sacrifices and commitment in the 1940s to make certain that Israel does in fact exist. So I see this as Mr. Beck showing off. True it will be an elaborate global outcry per se I hope that will do some good and It likely will have good effects. But that said, Mr. Beck’s place is not on Jewish soil trying to lead the next holy conquest of the infidels but his job is to be an American on American soil with Americans- his countrymen fighting on American soil for the future of the Peoples of the Righteous world in Israel and everywhere else. So Mr. Beck, like the above say, when are you going to organize in D.C.. And Mr. Beck, do you really think that the Jewish nation views you as our messenger for tomorrow? I think you are going to be a lightning rod for mediocrity in a nation that is just starting up since 1948 and really has no time to deal with a hot rod limelight seeking sensationalist who really just wants to radicalize the world to his political agenda and really has little regard for the Torah needs and Torah requirements of a Nation he will never adequately understand, never likely join and never likely correspond with any further than it interests his political arena playbook. Thanks guys. This guy is a dud.
Glenn Beck is a loose cannon of freak show measures that really just wants to show off in Israel. In a better sense, a rally of this nature in Washington, D.C. would be right in the front pages of the Western World and clearly would be a place where Israel can be elevated throughout the world- in the nations capital of a nation that essentially made it possible through our sacrifices and commitment in the 1940s to make certain that Israel does in fact exist. So I see this as Mr. Beck showing off. True it will be an elaborate global outcry per se I hope that will do some good and It likely will have good effects. But that said, Mr. Beck’s place is not on Jewish soil trying to lead the next holy conquest of the infidels but his job is to be an American on American soil with Americans- his countrymen fighting on American soil for the future of the Peoples of the Righteous world in Israel and everywhere else. So Mr. Beck, like the above say, when are you going to organize in D.C.. And Mr. Beck, do you really think that the Jewish nation views you as our messenger for tomorrow? I think you are going to be a lightning rod for mediocrity in a nation that is just starting up since 1948 and really has no time to deal with a hot rod limelight seeking sensationalist who really just wants to radicalize the world to his political agenda and really has little regard for the Torah needs and Torah requirements of a Nation he will never adequately understand, never likely join and never likely correspond with any further than it interests his political arena playbook. Thanks guys. This guy is a dud.
In Rap Battle, Stewart Demolishes O'Reilly on <i>O'Reilly Factor</i>

"A shot of Levittown right in your ass" is my favorite quote of the year so far I think. That was just too funny and too well conscripte
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Monday, May 16, 2011
Why there is no EVIL in the characterization of American Sports Teams with a Native American Image
I have in the past felt that there was a true wrong done to the Native Americans in such sports imagery such as the Cleveland Indians and say the Chicago Black Hawks among other teams such as the Chiefs and the Atlanta Braves.
This once concerned me and I once even offered to quit displaying the Cleveland Indians insignia as I really had considered that it was a mocking attempt to denigrate and marginalize a people whose place in the human race has been threatened by the years and privileges given to a new 'colonizing' civilization.
I must report there that I am completely at ease with the expressions of the sports world and I will also suggest to you that these expressions originate from our Creator himself. Thus I believe it is G-d's providence that our teams and culture has this type of motif for our children and people to enjoy and cheer on.
The idea that there is a native american image on say the Cleveland Indians is in no way a stab at the heritage and good conduct of the American Native Indian Nations. This is actually a tribute.
The American Indians were here prior to the Current Civilization and clearly they deserve a cornerstone in our mainstream American Culture.
To combine this with sports designates that our culture not only plays ball but also spends money on things that are associated with the history and rememberance of a great people that will always be regarded as fruitful and prosperous by history.
We are not ridiculing their privilege or trying to embarrass their loss of leadership and presence in the American Arena.
We are indeed showing that our nation has prospered in a land that was once a civilization of another.
If America had become in the place of the holy land, I would imagine that a Jewish Icon with peyos would be the equivalent of the Cleveland Indians Image.
If America had become in the place of Japan, it would be the Japanese Warrior who was the image for sports in that location.
This is about America.
There has been the argument in the past that "how would you feel if we made it say the "Cleveland Jews" or what if they made it the "Cleveland Negros". I say this.
The fact is that we are not constructing a culture around the paradigm of a defeated nation or that we are trying to marginalize or besmirch the greatness of another people.
We are making an Identity with the Past and we are endorsing a pleasant and amiable future.
It would be senseless to make a team such as the "Cleveland Jews" becuase the Jewish people are not the original inhabitants of the Location we work, play and live.
What we have done in sports is create a culture of thrills and gladness and it seems that way to most every Child who grows up in America until they may indeed be approached by parties and viewpoints that are really against the given sympathies of our Guiding Providence.
So with this, I must report, that Cleveland Indians are going to be here in my thoughts to stay for a very long time if not for the rest of Civilization.
That is the mindset I now have folks.
Thanks for cheering for our National Sports Teams.
This once concerned me and I once even offered to quit displaying the Cleveland Indians insignia as I really had considered that it was a mocking attempt to denigrate and marginalize a people whose place in the human race has been threatened by the years and privileges given to a new 'colonizing' civilization.
I must report there that I am completely at ease with the expressions of the sports world and I will also suggest to you that these expressions originate from our Creator himself. Thus I believe it is G-d's providence that our teams and culture has this type of motif for our children and people to enjoy and cheer on.
The idea that there is a native american image on say the Cleveland Indians is in no way a stab at the heritage and good conduct of the American Native Indian Nations. This is actually a tribute.
The American Indians were here prior to the Current Civilization and clearly they deserve a cornerstone in our mainstream American Culture.
To combine this with sports designates that our culture not only plays ball but also spends money on things that are associated with the history and rememberance of a great people that will always be regarded as fruitful and prosperous by history.
We are not ridiculing their privilege or trying to embarrass their loss of leadership and presence in the American Arena.
We are indeed showing that our nation has prospered in a land that was once a civilization of another.
If America had become in the place of the holy land, I would imagine that a Jewish Icon with peyos would be the equivalent of the Cleveland Indians Image.
If America had become in the place of Japan, it would be the Japanese Warrior who was the image for sports in that location.
This is about America.
There has been the argument in the past that "how would you feel if we made it say the "Cleveland Jews" or what if they made it the "Cleveland Negros". I say this.
The fact is that we are not constructing a culture around the paradigm of a defeated nation or that we are trying to marginalize or besmirch the greatness of another people.
We are making an Identity with the Past and we are endorsing a pleasant and amiable future.
It would be senseless to make a team such as the "Cleveland Jews" becuase the Jewish people are not the original inhabitants of the Location we work, play and live.
What we have done in sports is create a culture of thrills and gladness and it seems that way to most every Child who grows up in America until they may indeed be approached by parties and viewpoints that are really against the given sympathies of our Guiding Providence.
So with this, I must report, that Cleveland Indians are going to be here in my thoughts to stay for a very long time if not for the rest of Civilization.
That is the mindset I now have folks.
Thanks for cheering for our National Sports Teams.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Why I will never buy a Cuban Cigar or other Cuban export until the Embargo is Lifted by the USA
I am an American Citizen.
I enjoy a way of life free of remote hardship due to government socialism and governmental communism in my nation.
Although there are other nations that are communist such as China, I can not agree to support Cuba and that is with good reason that the USA has embaked upon an embargo on all Cuban Exports.
I read this article today in the Miami Herald.
This article just shows in a few ways that Cuban communities are subjugated and have few property and ownership rights in their nation.
This is not my way of life.
If you are an American and you enjoy the American Way of Life, you are going to commit a greivous error if you ever choose to support the financing of any communist regime that sways the way that the Cuban Regime Sways.
I would smoke a Cuban Cigar if someone else had given it to me, given that I did not endorse its purchase.
That said, I can not ever in the days of this embargo purchase any said item as even if you just made a petty financial change in the system, it is the spirit of America that will propel the future of the Communist Agenda by your purchase. So count me out.
I enjoy a way of life free of remote hardship due to government socialism and governmental communism in my nation.
Although there are other nations that are communist such as China, I can not agree to support Cuba and that is with good reason that the USA has embaked upon an embargo on all Cuban Exports.
I read this article today in the Miami Herald.
This article just shows in a few ways that Cuban communities are subjugated and have few property and ownership rights in their nation.
This is not my way of life.
If you are an American and you enjoy the American Way of Life, you are going to commit a greivous error if you ever choose to support the financing of any communist regime that sways the way that the Cuban Regime Sways.
I would smoke a Cuban Cigar if someone else had given it to me, given that I did not endorse its purchase.
That said, I can not ever in the days of this embargo purchase any said item as even if you just made a petty financial change in the system, it is the spirit of America that will propel the future of the Communist Agenda by your purchase. So count me out.
Monday, May 9, 2011
My comments on the idea of the "political left".
Leftist is really just a poor man's way of classifying someone with an opposing ideology as they profess. There is really no such thing as a pure leftist. But that said, there are many people who are political pacifists, political permissive-ists and of course, the seemingly hated 'liberals'. That said. They are all lumped together into one "Left" category. Perhaps more relevant would be to discuss liberalism as it really is, a force of humanity that strives to bring light to the darkness of mankind. That said, permissive thought patterns are different as they have a goal to violate governing ways to make the world "perfect" for themselves. And of course, pacifism is a way that one wants to appease everyone. This is not liberalism and they are actually opposite. Liberalism says we can allow someone to be a pacifist or a permissive, but it does not mean that the liberal minded person is going to be one him or herself. That said, the 'conservative' thinking disallows all persons from having a sense of community in terms of making progress toward enlightened thought and enlightened measures. Conservativism as a true belief does indeed go with liberalism as one can be conservative on the idea of keeping ones ways clean and liberal in terms of working towards higher enlightenment. The conservatives today are really illiberals and that is not the way of enlightened human thought.
Seal Six- Comment on the idea of WARS and the idea of a War against Addiction.
This was written in response to a comment posted on the Huffington post. For the entire discussion, click the link below. The other party argues that "wars are only against nation states and that our freedoms are being oppressed by these other "police actions". That said, I have responded in concern to the false thinking that I feel is prevalent in this person as well as likely others.

You seem like a libertarian centered Voter. That said, I must agree that there is no reason for "oppression". I disagree with your philosophy in that a WAR can indeed exist on many fronts. A war has fronts. It does not necessarilly have borders. That is a difference. But that said, I must implore you to consider that Addiction to Drugs and mind altering substances is a true WAR we must fight and the front in the battlefield of the mind. That is a war and it does have true consequences as well as casulties. I hope that you and others will find it in yourselves to support addiction treatment and perhaps in the future, a war against the drugs per se may not be our national agenda. The "War against Drugs" has cost money as well as lives in terms of those living south of the border and other places. It has allowed for the formation of Drug Cartels as well as Militias. I am not for the use of drugs but I am leaning towards debate towards the idea of legalizing some of these drugs as we can fight addiction and usage with I say fewer casulties than we do with the blood rage south of our borders and on out streets.
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You seem like a libertaria
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
Pacifism is not about peace. It is about stupidity. It is the mistaken belief that if you appease everyone, everyone will be happier. Perhaps if you satisfy everyone, everyone will be happy. That is liberalism . But to appease everyone's inclinatio n creates a state of indignatio n for some of the people. That is the idea behind the foolishnes s that plagues the modern Jewish Movements. The new religious movements of the last 150 or so years are really just a way to pacify the population that didn't want to follow the commandmen ts and set forth to establish their own system to ensure that they could live their way. This in fact does not make for peace among Isreal. Israel is much more threatened by a schism in the synagogue now and that is defeating the trust that we have in our lives for one another. So if you don't want to keep a commandmen t, that is good and fine. Per Deuteronom y 28, you will endure a curse per se. But to revamp the entire orthodox religion is to destroy the faith that Man has for his own wellness in the future. Thanks.
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