Thursday, January 23, 2025

Free verse

 Time rest. The dry upon. Drink or a bet. The roam of the butch

>>>Set up. Open or. The scar the rubber frane. Tout by

>>>Eyes. Friends

>>>Zap. Open sense. The right need paid. Warm a dry hunch. Gold need right fate

>>>Added. Universe. The game or. A fit kids life

>>>Set. Limit. Yireh. Pay

>>>Cymbals. High gain. The crash the perfect

>>>Added. Limit by. Turn joy. High yireh by

>>>Well. Open list. The quick bite go well. In of. The sugar a fit good swallow 

>>>Satan mark in jade. High level wrong play. The dry grip on a coin a ware of the fright. Hard held frank jest grip. The gold the luck the bane

>>>Set rest. High need. Regard a fit bite

>>>Set up. Gambler open. His charity no regret

>>>Set grade. King hunch. Bite in on

>>>Serious. Limit by

>>>Added. King hunt. Yireh by

>>>Sets. King hunt by

>>>Ease. Right act. The play of cards. Humor even black jack. A child his time his good

>>>Erased. Limit. Long. Hard record. Dare set bet grade right

>>>Fancy. Veteran. Gold. Fit

>>>Added. King hunt. Yireh by

>>>After. Turn joy or. The tenth the free bright. Story his night

>>>Zap. Limit. Clothing. The realm need in

>>>Added. Freedom joyful. Bed and state. The man his dear bride right. Long hunch. Yireh a good fit deal good fate

>>>Shuck luck. Turn of the gas. A car ride the born 

>>>Stolen valor. Bite or. The exam hunt free. Low bright acuity. Long hunt grade right ride

>>>Lady hunch. Gold luck. Nerve the gambler. His dry heart a cool interest the bad day at work. Long base dream joy grave fit

>>>Added. Long how easy. A new job well prepared. Gold art turn the grip open right good fate

>>>Watch. Ear or. The common hull. King bread. Set womans dry edge a husband protect her frank bed of rising good eager free dream. King her act. Humor right good fate start

>>>Added. Attract. Good veteran humor. Limit by. The great frank joy bite high good case

>>>Admin. Turn. Join

>>>Flight. Meant. Air Force dream 

>>>After group. King in on. King hunt yireh by

>>>Caboose. Limit. Yireh by

>>>Wound. Hurt ego. The roost of the rest bet. King holy upon a starve it grip open being 

>>>Added. Limit by. Crazy a fornicator. The yireh gold fit glad free dry. High bread. King hunt by

>>>Limit. Odd watch. Specification nice as. The realm its good wear

>>>Strike. Limit. Love by. The ring

>>>Serious. Life interest. Good fate

>>>Clean. How by. The right bread go well. Open joy. High need care good fate

>>>Near. Change hunt. The dry charity. Bold by. Turn time the good fit right fate

>>>Cheer. Limit time. The hunch good fate

>>>Gun grid. Fib or fate. The moon of the lunacy gold bait. Look in joy right fit grade

>>>Lacey turn. Limit or. The style fit happy need. A fortune the right ego. Limit grace the sleeve

>>>Well. In if. The right yireh untimed free. Long hunt by

>>>Raw. Look of gun strange humor. High beat sock. The rise greet great frame a good bite sure bet. Long lacey the bumper grange. Turn of grip the bump of grip no joy the raid free a bad ease. Limit yireh bump or fate strong good bite

>>>Zap. In joy. Turn in joy up in. King by

>>>Ease. Bump odd. The right the right bite

>>>Dip bump. The rise or. A strong fit. Gold by a gift

>>>Added. Fit form. Good television. Gold fit strong fate sure bite

>>>Set bump. Open in or. The lane the plus. High by. Turn joy bite rest. Long hunch grade bite right good fate

>>>Seat. Turn. High by. The police the rest grave if. Long beat frank. The margination of right term. Limit by

>>>After. Turn by. Limit by. Hunt grip dry sock fate. Long hunch. A how bright good fate

>>>Torah. Grip of grave. The right grave the fit form joy by

>>>Elevated. Limit right. The can or the bite. King by. Long house right good fate

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 No cognitive decline. Active sleep and good daily sense. God well the right good fate

>>>Cadence. Tout by. The right need

>>>Sets. Limit yireh. By bold. A fit go well go bite

>>>Dear. Long town. Right good fate. Under grave. King hunt yireh by

>>>Her chance. Gold a stage if. The rest. Limit yireh by. Looking for it a fancy or a bite. The set woman right her funny call a strike her dry warm fit dig

>>>Added. Long how. Bright by. Turn grip open joy right

>>>Added. Turn joy. Long by. Yireh by. Limit by

>>>Serious. Limit. Open loan. The right the good fit fate

>>>Serious. Limit yireh nerve. Long hunt. Long by. Turn joy yireh

>>>Added. Long hunt. Yireh by

 >>>Dream. King house. The psychology of the dry bored or. Time right. Young base right fate

>>>Putting. Good feel. Open the right good fate

>>>Serious. Light psychology. King hunt. A prepared good fit

>>>Added. Right yireh. The in joy bite right. Place psychology. Gold fit good bite

>>>Add. Kink. Limit

>>>Set. Kink. Open joy or

>>>Sets. King hunt. Turn house. Right fate gold bite. The rest grade set good fate

>>>String. House by. The edge protect good sleep. Limit by

>>>Bad egg. Yireh no smell. An avoid free as if. The yireh bad ease dry right fit bear and

>>>Function. King by

>>>After. Time bout. Right will 

>>>Dry. Tug. Open joy

>>>Shicksa. Long hurting bed. The jewish bed smile absent 

>>>Dry grave. Long ear. The yireh gold cold fit break. In buck. The ham egg the black bite

>>>Dream. Grave. Turn joy by, eye to joy or. The nasty hand wrong dry. No frank ring 

>>>After. Told in. High free do. The right bite how by

>>>Plan. Psychology ease. Long hunt

>>>Dry. Luck jade. High base. The good fit near fate long buy

>>>Home. Stolen hour workday hunt grave. The yireh cast in good fate strong buy

>>>Dear. Long west. Change 

>>>Dry. Long hunch. Bite of steal. Open mouth hard snake 

>>>Dry. Jack shack. The bowl jib jab grave free drawn mood. Limit yireh jade save right

>>>Sear. Limit by. Tone bright. Apt right bite

>>>Set. Friend eased. Long local right fate good bite

>>>Dear. Long egg. Time right good bread mend. Yireh by grip new dream. Kink joy bread bone right grade

>>>Add. Liking hunch. Bone right. Glad fate. Road set good fate

>>>Serve. Tout. Bright ginger king. Long gun bet rest grade set time by

>>>Change psychology. Eye dry grave. The genitalia dry first seen an opposite gender guy or girl the fair raise. Long honor house in off. Marriage a maybe. The rest yireh gold fit bread marvel

>>>Cedar. Naked lake. The right or shared. Tree right the dressed place. Turn joy by

>>>Added. Long. House glutch. The war grade set gal open jade. Stock butch. A dry bag of bone raid grip. Long house. Turn hunt grade out gut glutch a war

>>>Dear. Long hunt. Yireh by

>>>Added. Long hound. Time by. Hunt grade up in

>>>After. Long or. The bug glutch

>>>System glutch. Limit turn joy by

>>>Added. King bull. Hull open jade right good fate

>>>Dry. Joy bind. Glutch the bug or. Terse growth

>>>See. Light. Yireh. The hunch grade right bite. Limit by

>>>Stingy. Long buck local in. Mending ham nag the rash jew. Long hunt. Yireh in out right fate

>>>Dear. Long hunt. High human. Joy bite right fate

>>>Serving. Long baloney. The bible runner raid kick link. Yireh how by. The yireh by

>>>Added. Limit yireh. Bright gold light. The humor sex fill open joy

>>>Serious. Limit. Young buy

>>>Added. Long hunt. Yireh by. Light bet. Frank joy bet tumble. Rise or the bet generation joy lux care

>>>Strike. Long hunt. King by

>>>Dear. King by

>>>Rondure. Limit. Lucky seat

>>>Dear. Tense. Right hunt. By gold right fate

>>>Set hymn. Joy by

>>>Added. Rest by

>>>Zap. Long hunt. Yireh by

>>>Professor. Age by. Conduit

>>>Tight drink. Open has by. The rest grave. Right bright good fate

>>>Serious. Time rage. Long over turn. Joy buff. The gold gun joy bright fate

>>>After. Long. Numb or

>>>Sick sense. God fill open over. The cast grave dry out wane. No joy no bite. The remedy of grave free dry bite

>>>Call out. Gold or. Mint televised. The road to hunt great the good bite the exclamation good

>>>Fear. Time bag free. The gun the talent gross. Buck of the will open. A strike of laugh 

>>>Burning hot grace. Hunt in or. Limit by

>>>Rise. Beat. Kink. Offer

>>>After. Turn by. The good in or. King right. Long hunt grace house right

>>>Zap. Energy hunt wise. The military fed

>>>After. Numb bite. Turn time. The high gold hit bite good fate

>>>Zap. Mikveh use added. The rise dream joy good fate. Kosher enabled. The good scout fit bite good free bread 

>>>Set. Out to dinner. The ounce the bite the dream. Good plan. Upon hunt good fate steak

>>>Turn. Act. Dinner bill. Open of grade. The any pay mostly good. Humor a host a fit pay the road eased frank kosher. Yireh new times by need. The young and fit good fate

>>>Crazy grave. Feeder the wrong motive. Yireh upon. High guilt bite right or

>>>Feeding. Long hunt grip in as. The common the light the right fate a right hatch the dry wrong bait. King or. A study the nature the be

>>>High trip. Table table. A dream good suit the wise good hope. Limit grade set frank hunch. Gold allow right meal

>>>Hospital. Nutrition. Well open right apt good

>>>Set grave plot. Nice wind over as. The blow the grass the bite

>>>Eat. Kosher as. Food 

>>>Action. Joy. Bite sense. The road to more 

>>>Jack. In on. The three hundred pounds a ton to inscribe. Fat dry body a war the obese. King hunt. No limit high buck jade. The guilt the full well of beat strange dry hope. Unwell man

>>>Man. Height. Adult

>>>Best. Adult. Fit law. Right contact

>>>Share adult. Peace set. The coin of the right grip. Open joy. Rise rest great good fate

>>>She drink. Time her add. The living pickle her numb excuse. A fit the bargain the rest grade verse. No seed the humor the gifted age

>>>Added. Time by. The cist right fate

>>>Dear. Long hunt. Time house. Gold bet right fate. A humor turn all call hope hunch. Long a dream new bitter

>>>Set. Clear trident. A social exercised frank mandate. Warm health

>>>Dear. Tug out. Baffle open. Grey resign a frank ham of guilt. Black ash named set. The right bug hunt grey a grip faith black rose

>>>Dear. Limit. Guts eased. The right go high well an alm

>>>Eased. Trident grave. The whole luck good fate

>>>Grey resign. Hard fret black. The hunch go in jade set right good fate

>>>Dry. Long limit sociability. Numb holy helping beg better. The humor rose solid a fate 

>>>Ease. Right foe. The bone the bone the grave hurt cook. In joy turn. An all open the kosher fret better. Gold by good harp a good fret solvent fit break 

>>>Dear. Buck cove. The rise of grey need. Limit by. The rage ease set black home

>>>Dear. Long act. The good life

>>>Run. King safe. Right best grace. A home ones own the price the new made estimate of plan. Gold in to. Jive gift right fate strong good free dream

>>>Elevated. Limit. Precaution. Kingdom

>>>Zap. Medallion jab. The warm ego a fresh nut

>>>Walk. Ego in. Joy up in. King hunt. Yireh glad. Smile of the day

>>>Ear. Town joy. High time. Bite

>>>Added. Hunt addendum. The crest grade ride the right body the placed good fate. Money turn. An answer good being

>>>Added. Limit. Yireh

>>>Car. Tout. Hunt. Bite

>>>Dear. Hunt. Young bread. Tough or bullish. The rise great. Gold fit good need

>>>After. Buck. To do. Surgery

>>>Set. Mint. Road. Fit

>>>Added. Limit grace. The administrative accent. High bet cordial. In opt right good fate

>>>Sets. Limit yireh. The code up a good fate

>>>Dear. Long. House

>>>Zap. Open eye. The gem the free rhyme a well apt word

>>>Case. Rut odd. The dry warm a do

>>>Christian munition. King hunt grace. The in or. A well

>>>Sets. King out or. The dry help evaluation a dry exam. King by. Turn joy high bite norm

>>>Added. Limit yireh. The safe dry hunt. Interview of the year

>>>Grave eye. Told fit. The good free bite