Saturday, February 25, 2012
What I said to one who espouses a "little" anarchy
Then move to France. They were the ones that stormed the bastille. We here in America do not do anarchy as our foundation was based on firm principle and sacrifice. Americans set out with hope and did the rest with diligence and hard work. We are not people who cower to make a grave for the full spectra of our own hostility. We ARE AMERICAN.
My comments lead to an onslaught of "attention"
I wrote a few talk backs to an article on the "Anonymous" Internet hackers.
I disagree with that tactic and hope that these people finally stop doing what they have been fraudulently and criminally doing in the past few years.
Here is a sampling:
Original Article of the Huffington Post here at:
I disagree with that tactic and hope that these people finally stop doing what they have been fraudulently and criminally doing in the past few years.
Here is a sampling:
Original Article of the Huffington Post here at:
Why we don't need them
I have to say that in situations where there are people running for election of course, you must listen to their ideas and see where they will put us.
I suggest the following:
Newt Gingrich would turn America into Mexico.
Rick Santorum might turn American into Serbia.
Ron Paul would turn America into China.
Mitt Romney would turn America into Russia.
Just a consideration. Lets Keep America American.
I suggest the following:
Newt Gingrich would turn America into Mexico.
Rick Santorum might turn American into Serbia.
Ron Paul would turn America into China.
Mitt Romney would turn America into Russia.
Just a consideration. Lets Keep America American.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Social Conduct in Chassidic Communities
More and More, I am reading reports of social conduct issues in many chassidic communities.
Today there is this posting and video clip of a social disaray in a community of yeshiva students and their elders.
More and More, I am reading reports of social conduct issues in many chassidic communities.
Today there is this posting and video clip of a social disaray in a community of yeshiva students and their elders.
Displays and their preservation
There is an ongoing discussion online regarding the idea of returning a barrack from the US Holocaust museum to Auschwitz. Here is my breif commentary as to discuss the need to make certain we preserve this artifact of evil and the presence of our own suffering in the past and cement it in our futures.
Torah requires that we maintain a way of life for our people. There is a risk that if we allow this to be returned to a less than stringent community, it may be destroyed or lost.
As well, there are many more people who visit the holocaust museum than there are who visit Auschwitz or other camps.
It is important to preserve the authenticity of a camp, but in light of the fact that this has been moved, I am not going to press one way or the other other than to say that it must be preserved. Also considering I am guessing that this is being maintained indoors, this ensures the survivability. Replacing such a evidence of Criminality in the outdoor location in Poland only ensures its loss in the future.
Torah requires that we maintain a way of life for our people. There is a risk that if we allow this to be returned to a less than stringent community, it may be destroyed or lost.
As well, there are many more people who visit the holocaust museum than there are who visit Auschwitz or other camps.
It is important to preserve the authenticity of a camp, but in light of the fact that this has been moved, I am not going to press one way or the other other than to say that it must be preserved. Also considering I am guessing that this is being maintained indoors, this ensures the survivability. Replacing such a evidence of Criminality in the outdoor location in Poland only ensures its loss in the future.
What I have to say about Glenn Beck's Disaster Theory:
I think that this new "untelevised" Mr. Beck is a nicer guy in that we just do not have to endure his insufferable rants and ingenuine sympathetic tirades to the "evils of today".
The idea of being against the existence of the state of Israel is very much anti-semitism.
Mr. Beck is I suggest very incorrect that "evil is growing" in this world. In reality as my own chassidic understanding of evil is concerned, Evil is constantly diminished with each successive time frame as righteousness is brought to the land. In reality there are just new types of evil and thus the evil that exists is ferreted out and replaced with education and knowledge.
This is an ongoing process and of course, there are many evils under the heavens above, but in reality, this evil is not the future.
So since it is clear from Mr. Becks account that he is advising us of a Creator who will "Destroy the world" for the wickedness of today, let us all remember the promise to Noach that there would never be another flood. This goes for all other things that would totally destroy our world.
So rest assured that tomorrow is always better. Yes there are threats and concerns, but in reality the future is in Hashem's Hands. It always was.
I say in regard to Mr. Beck that he in reality is the Creator of the Pandemonium that he tries to warn us is "coming".
I think that this new "untelevised" Mr. Beck is a nicer guy in that we just do not have to endure his insufferable rants and ingenuine sympathetic tirades to the "evils of today".
The idea of being against the existence of the state of Israel is very much anti-semitism.
Mr. Beck is I suggest very incorrect that "evil is growing" in this world. In reality as my own chassidic understanding of evil is concerned, Evil is constantly diminished with each successive time frame as righteousness is brought to the land. In reality there are just new types of evil and thus the evil that exists is ferreted out and replaced with education and knowledge.
This is an ongoing process and of course, there are many evils under the heavens above, but in reality, this evil is not the future.
So since it is clear from Mr. Becks account that he is advising us of a Creator who will "Destroy the world" for the wickedness of today, let us all remember the promise to Noach that there would never be another flood. This goes for all other things that would totally destroy our world.
So rest assured that tomorrow is always better. Yes there are threats and concerns, but in reality the future is in Hashem's Hands. It always was.
I say in regard to Mr. Beck that he in reality is the Creator of the Pandemonium that he tries to warn us is "coming".
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Living with Recalibrated Feudalism
Today, we are in a new era, yet there are certain services, commodities, activities and enlightenments which are only available to those with higher earning potential or those with amnesty in their wealth.
In truth, this is a system of recalibrated feudalism.
The fact is that today, there are limitations on what you may have afforded to you in a very modern age society.
Today we live in a system of advances in sciences and medicine, yet to many, these are not available or available only at a hard pressed cost.
Take Dental Health.
There is no medicare coverage for dental examinations. Even eye examinations are markedly limited. Fortunately for most of us, we only need a new pair of glasses every 2 years.
In truth and reality, dental health care is cost absorbitant and leaves most patients who do not have dental coverage and even many with dental coverage in a destitute situation where by the costs of say a root canal or a cap or even a few fillings is lifestyle limiting.
And of course, the cost for 2 tooth cleanings a year can be over 200$ with x rays as well.
In reality, this is a situation which does not phase any person making over say $60,000 a year, but in truth there are many who are in a lower income bracket.
In another aspect, the costs of home media experiences are rising, yet the mainstay is that any human being almost universally requires at the least some news media as well as the internet for many of his business transactions today.
In effect, we do still live under a recalibrated feudalism, until the time that these services are vastly discounted or otherwise a universal offering for all citizens.
Society advances and so too must the availability for human interest and human need.
In truth, this is a system of recalibrated feudalism.
The fact is that today, there are limitations on what you may have afforded to you in a very modern age society.
Today we live in a system of advances in sciences and medicine, yet to many, these are not available or available only at a hard pressed cost.
Take Dental Health.
There is no medicare coverage for dental examinations. Even eye examinations are markedly limited. Fortunately for most of us, we only need a new pair of glasses every 2 years.
In truth and reality, dental health care is cost absorbitant and leaves most patients who do not have dental coverage and even many with dental coverage in a destitute situation where by the costs of say a root canal or a cap or even a few fillings is lifestyle limiting.
And of course, the cost for 2 tooth cleanings a year can be over 200$ with x rays as well.
In reality, this is a situation which does not phase any person making over say $60,000 a year, but in truth there are many who are in a lower income bracket.
In another aspect, the costs of home media experiences are rising, yet the mainstay is that any human being almost universally requires at the least some news media as well as the internet for many of his business transactions today.
In effect, we do still live under a recalibrated feudalism, until the time that these services are vastly discounted or otherwise a universal offering for all citizens.
Society advances and so too must the availability for human interest and human need.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
What's wrong with American Conservative Values?
True American Conservative Values are of course an essential part of America and always have and will be.
The true American Conservative is like a citizen who shoots his own goose for dinner.
Today, the 'conservatives' are meerly choking off the chickens and throwing them in the bushes.
The true American Conservative is like a citizen who shoots his own goose for dinner.
Today, the 'conservatives' are meerly choking off the chickens and throwing them in the bushes.
Birth Control Debate
The fact is that freedom is what is at stake here. It is not an issue of someones values being compromise d. The fact that we have freedom of our lifestyles to adopt contracept ion and other methods of birth control in our American Society dictates that America is at attack in regard to religious theocracy induced motives to destroy the human right to obtain birth control whether on ones own or by the health care system and implements of our national health care interests.
The debate is an evidence of an impropriet y that exists in the ecclesiast ical society of the church. This is completely a non issue. Had an American War been the issue and perhaps the same people had an issue with the war, there would be no issue that their tax money would go to the efforts to win the war. So therefore, there is no issue with this. Is is basically a methodolog y by the religious right and the evangelica l factions to try to muscle the women's movements out of the democracy we call our Great Nation.
The debate is an evidence of an impropriet
Friday, February 10, 2012
Wired Generational Sherpa
Found this on Google today. An autographed cup from Rachel Maddow.
Her S in Sam is elongated and with the concentration of a ongoing stay up and watch you live onlooker.
Her g in great is a come down and do not look around very much g.
Her R in Rachel is a world is coming to an end but I am going to conserve beans too R.
Her M is a offices are my best friend M.
Redefining your own freedom.......
We are American Citizens.
Our nation provides for freedoms under our constitution.
One of those freedoms is the right to use birth control and even have abortion services available in selected cases.
In effect, those who disagree that our national government should provide for this service in some manner are essentially trying to redefine their own freedom.
The idea that the government should not have a role in helping men and women enjoy and acheive their own rights under the freedoms of our constitution is unconstitutional under our American Way of Life and Law.
The idea that a group of 'evangelical' christians can usurp or decry that it is unorthodox to their beliefs to allow for the provision of an American Freedom to be acheived is to me Unamerican.
I believe that in this current debate on whether we can allow for funding of health care programs for tomorrow that will have services for contraception it is imperitive that we maintain our American Freedoms and do not allow for factions in a theocracy driven belief system to out law the American Freedoms of Tomorrow.
One has his or her own rights to choose whatever method one wishes to live his or her life and that is your American Freedom as well.
But to decry that our future will be limited and health care services not offered to the general population due to your own religious fervor or belief is not a democracy. It is a theocracy.
Our nation provides for freedoms under our constitution.
One of those freedoms is the right to use birth control and even have abortion services available in selected cases.
In effect, those who disagree that our national government should provide for this service in some manner are essentially trying to redefine their own freedom.
The idea that the government should not have a role in helping men and women enjoy and acheive their own rights under the freedoms of our constitution is unconstitutional under our American Way of Life and Law.
The idea that a group of 'evangelical' christians can usurp or decry that it is unorthodox to their beliefs to allow for the provision of an American Freedom to be acheived is to me Unamerican.
I believe that in this current debate on whether we can allow for funding of health care programs for tomorrow that will have services for contraception it is imperitive that we maintain our American Freedoms and do not allow for factions in a theocracy driven belief system to out law the American Freedoms of Tomorrow.
One has his or her own rights to choose whatever method one wishes to live his or her life and that is your American Freedom as well.
But to decry that our future will be limited and health care services not offered to the general population due to your own religious fervor or belief is not a democracy. It is a theocracy.
Who Was Ronald Reagan and WHO ARE YOU??????
Dear GOP "conservatives" of the day:
The greatest president you always suggest existed is Mr. Ronald Reagan, A Republican from yesterday.
Ronald Reagan is not remembered for his work against Abortion Rights. He is not remembered for his stances against birth control. He is not remembered as a man who fought against gay marriage and he is not remembered as a man who spoke about "those liberals".
If you want to be more like Mr. Reagan and have another Reagan, are you really like him today?
The greatest president you always suggest existed is Mr. Ronald Reagan, A Republican from yesterday.
Ronald Reagan is not remembered for his work against Abortion Rights. He is not remembered for his stances against birth control. He is not remembered as a man who fought against gay marriage and he is not remembered as a man who spoke about "those liberals".
If you want to be more like Mr. Reagan and have another Reagan, are you really like him today?
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Shouting Liberty from the Clouds
Admire Hillary Rodham Clinton. Her writing is legibly contained and inconspicuously intelligently written by a woman who can and will do what she does and does it well.
Her H is a hone it down and do it well H.
Her C is Chill out or stay at home C.
Her R in Rodham is Walk away a Giant.
Walk with her.
Rustic Sailplane Gum
I am sorry to admit that I am really not a fan of this "role model" for the Left Socialist Interests above.
This man is given a baseball to hit and he takes the ball home to show his parents instead.
I know that might be cute if he was say 7 years old, but at his age and in his game, this ball needs to be hit out of the park.
His inconsistencies in his manner as well as his incomplete articulation are noted in his writing.
Michael Moores whole signature is propelling, yet it has no sleeve to hang on its lid.
I liked him once upon a time and thought his conversations were to do a magnification of malevolence in the USA. At some extent this is a fact, but of course, his agenda sways way to the left and the socialist appeal is the mainstay of his conversations that I have seen in the past years.
I think that his M is a cartwheel M.
In his last name, the M is a Told you so M.
The h in Michael is lofty but serves a purpose of marking his place in history more than it serves as a platform for his own acheivement.
His L in the name Michael is even bigger in some ways and it is as if Michael Moore wants to out do his own very own issues with some other issue indeed.
He actually appears to leave the letter R completely out of Moore and this is noteworthy as the name Moore is clearly spelled out and it does not seem to have the letter. In many persons, this is a non-issue, but I feel a distinct error in the force of liberty when reading Michael Moore's signature.
I think that his o's in Moore are universally a nice o in some ways but I guess he was sitting on his own throne when he wrote these as they are really a bigger statement in his last name than the very M itself in the lead and his first letter. First a M and then the O brigade. This guy just wants to clean his own chimney with someone elses freedom.
Soliloquoy of one
General George Smith Patton, Jr.
White Elephants did their best to make certain that General Patton was always in the lead.
This is a general who spoke it up and talked it plainly and worked hard and loved to really fight the fight that was his to fight and he did it right and he was protective and just.
Pattons G is a blemish of nothing on my record G.
His P is a Come out and find your jury P.

Bill Cosby is a magnificiently funny and friendly and religiously interestingly intelligent man.
His B is a Stick it B.
His C is a Still watching [?] C.
Bill is right on the money and he works like a red baron.
Hiding your antennae
Another guy whose rudimentary comical field dance in his writing is of the same calibre and nature as his onstage performance.
Rodney's R is a reap it and wear it too.
His D is a Dogs can bow and bark with their masters and I like to bow with them too and howl maybe if I am happy.
Hid d in Rodney is clowns can take me and make me their prop.
His y in Rodney is What I say will always work out.
His g in Dangerfield is hum and bear it too.
His f in Dangerfield is wrap me up and deliver me.
Live it up.
Oodles of comic nutrition
This is Jerry Seinfeld.
I have to say that the meer appearance of his signature is very happy and funny in all its ways. Can you see it too?
Seinfeld makes me laugh just looking at his hand writing. I would love to see more.
Instantly Famous
This is The signature of Steve Carell.
This guy to me is the funniest guy I saw instantly and immediately knew he would be present in alot of comedy.
This guy is pretty sharp and pretty funny of course, but you can see it in his signature.
His S is a stun them at the door S.
His C is a Come around here and Get it C.
Until the next time I vote
Here is an autograph I found online of David Liss, author of today 7 books as well as a comic strip writer. I have found him to be my most recently interesting and enhancingly enjoyable writer of the last good 6 years that I have enjoyed in good amounts (waiting for book 8 here!).
I find that his writing is very enjoyable and has a good sense of humor with twisted fates and twisted plot lines. Very enriching at many levels especially as there is a lot of historical background era enhancements in this historical fictional conspiracy related novels.
His D is what stands out of course and I would attribute this to be a money throw D. His name also ends with a sort of "high 5" type of run off. Funny. This is the 3rd time I have seen this.
Once just written up in Ari Fleischer and if you go back further, you can see that I have been writing this way as well.
This indicates that David is phoning home after the marathon in this particular case.
Siphoning the lead out of your gold paint
Shmuley was busy of course and you can read that his writing is very pressured from his signing of this book.
(its the book the Intelligent Persons Guide to Judaism. I was given it as a gift. No I do not want Kosher Jesus or not really either Kosher Sex in my collection!)
In his signature:
The S is a leaky fortune.
The y is wearing itself down.
The fellow actually wrote Hashems name with full abbreviation. I guess so that I can really never discard this book. (in Most Jewish nomenclature, we write G-d as a hyphenated entry to show respect to our Creator in that nothing we write in our lives usually is permanent, although this is of course a personal preference rather than full true absolute Law. Call it a halacha that many do in fact ascribe.)
Junkie for the Radio and Space Age
Here is Ari Fleischer, the spokesperson for the Bush Presidency and now Political Pundit on news programs.
In insight, I must add here that his run off in his finale does in fact somewhat mirror that of this particular Doctor who signs his name in a similar fashion... A high five of sorts with the out cry of liberty being the future of the likesmanship that runs above the top of his lower case letters in his name.
If you hash back to my own writing, I am beginning to sign my own name somewhat the same, although Ari does have a lower triumph before he runs to the top of this wording.
Either way, I think I do like Ari and that perhaps he and I could even walk together, a Democrat myself and a Republican such as Ari.
Ari's A is a star visioning A with a little fronteir adding notary to it.
His F is a little bit somewhat inexperienced in its smaller font of magnification as compared with his A and his following L. Ari is somewhat ready to take on a world of someone else's choosing, but yet stay firm on his own principles.
I like his l (L) in that it is very scoring and wants to win a good healthy debate of integrity.
The L is a wagon wheel L in some regard and I think that Ari does have a good amount of discipline in his opening concerns and questions.
His r does raise itself above the lettering of the remainder of his signature and I think that his memory goes back to a good deal of his own personal development at times.
I think that his final run off and his final walk on the road of cobblestone pavement ahead is written with the r fading into a watchword which then goes into a fascination with impression (underlining) followed with a revealing underpass that writes the dot on his I and then goes to find suffusion in the time ahead, though his interest of course is particularly upon his own goings right now. (this is a signature that I would expect might do some changing with time).
Stunning the Gems
Franz Kafka, German born author and writer.
Amazing fellow I say.
His F is a phonation device.
His K is a calligraphic worming attachment.
Overall, this is a fellow who will make you crawl up into a ball.
Dr. Pepper made me do it
This is your true friend, Glenn Beck.
Your only friend.
Your friend in times of toil and trouble.
Your friend who just simply likes his milk warm.
Well, I can see how he blossomed to stardom.
His G is an archetecture of gloss and esteemed "friendship".
His B which I can not completely decypher overall appears to be a frightful woe is Me.
So Glenn, you really do not too much appear to be a heretic or a nutcase in your writing, but I attest that you will not go skiing with me.
Poor Man's Bluff
Thus sayeth Rush Limbaugh.
Thus sayeth the nation.. (????????????).
No. Thus sayeth the frisbee you throw to your cows.......
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Relapse Again
This is Malcolm X
I note that his magnanimity is all in his looped letters and maybe the X at the follow life.
In reality, I imagine that Malcolm [X] was a busy man who really had time only for his own hopefuls and really not much else.
The M is a Straw Hat M.
The a is a guns might be fun to play with often A with a fish bone in your hand too.
The L is laughing at tomorrow.
The second L is right back in your face today and not sure I want to have dinner with you either L.
The m is sunshine does not really get to me much m.
The X is "I am innocent"
Sunlight in the Amazon Forest
This is Steven Spielberg.
A man with a prayer and a man with a big Salute.
This is the fellow who is my fraternity brother too, so I will try to make certain that he is of course, dignified and given good homage and respect. But of course, he does that himself.
His S is a Straight Ahead and the Answer is There S.
His S in Spielberg is Sound Minds Sound Thinking.
His T is an olive grove of open commisure.
The T is crossed with a hashbeam that is elongated and walks into the west as this man truly represents Western Civilization in many ways.
His p is a fine art of mirrors and gleaming starshine accompanied by glass and did I say Mirrors?
I like his g indeed as well. Its minorly appearing at the very end of his surname and its hook and dagger draw a crowd.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Shmuley Boteach is running for congress???
I heard it online.
The maven of the blessed jewish books on anything that you really did not think was right to study and consider (for the right reasons of course) as a jew is going to run for a congressional seat.
Can I say "Wow".
There are just way too many jewish people who are so upset that this man might write a book like Kosher Sex and now Kosher Jesus.
To them I say this:
"Please do not attack the guy who blows the shofar so loud with a pen stuck firmly up his rectum"
The maven of the blessed jewish books on anything that you really did not think was right to study and consider (for the right reasons of course) as a jew is going to run for a congressional seat.
Can I say "Wow".
There are just way too many jewish people who are so upset that this man might write a book like Kosher Sex and now Kosher Jesus.
To them I say this:
"Please do not attack the guy who blows the shofar so loud with a pen stuck firmly up his rectum"
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Linked in
This is Jeffrey Bezos's signature. (CEO Amazon)
Right up into the starlight goes the trail of his last name.
Fudge it Calhoun
The winningest coach!
Jim Tressel.
I actually have merit in this world because I went to Youngstown State University for the years that Jim Tressel Coached the Penguins.
According to what his writing says, Jim is a very efficient but less than angled man.
His J is sour but less than a few bright lights in his face.
His T is to the point.
His G in Go is far and out reaching.
His B is Sword fish Blue.
The k in bucks is satisfyingly at ease.
The finishing of the name Tressel in the writing is with a touring mentality.

In August of 1865, a Colonel P.H. Anderson of Big Spring, Tennessee, wrote to his former slave, Jourdan Anderson, and requested that he come back to work on his farm. Jourdan — who, since being emancipated, had moved to Ohio, found paid work, and was now supporting his family — responded spectacularly by way of the letter seen below (a letter which, according to newspapers at the time, he dictated).
Rather than quote the numerous highlights in this letter, I'll simply leave you to enjoy it. Do make sure you read to the end.
(Source: The Freedmen's Book; Image: A group of escaped slaves in Virginia in 1862, courtesy of the Library of Congress.)

In August of 1865, a Colonel P.H. Anderson of Big Spring, Tennessee, wrote to his former slave, Jourdan Anderson, and requested that he come back to work on his farm. Jourdan — who, since being emancipated, had moved to Ohio, found paid work, and was now supporting his family — responded spectacularly by way of the letter seen below (a letter which, according to newspapers at the time, he dictated).
Rather than quote the numerous highlights in this letter, I'll simply leave you to enjoy it. Do make sure you read to the end.
(Source: The Freedmen's Book; Image: A group of escaped slaves in Virginia in 1862, courtesy of the Library of Congress.)
Dayton, Ohio,
August 7, 1865
To My Old Master, Colonel P.H. Anderson, Big Spring, Tennessee
Sir: I got your letter, and was glad to find that you had not forgotten Jourdon, and that you wanted me to come back and live with you again, promising to do better for me than anybody else can. I have often felt uneasy about you. I thought the Yankees would have hung you long before this, for harboring Rebs they found at your house. I suppose they never heard about your going to Colonel Martin's to kill the Union soldier that was left by his company in their stable. Although you shot at me twice before I left you, I did not want to hear of your being hurt, and am glad you are still living. It would do me good to go back to the dear old home again, and see Miss Mary and Miss Martha and Allen, Esther, Green, and Lee. Give my love to them all, and tell them I hope we will meet in the better world, if not in this. I would have gone back to see you all when I was working in the Nashville Hospital, but one of the neighbors told me that Henry intended to shoot me if he ever got a chance.
I want to know particularly what the good chance is you propose to give me. I am doing tolerably well here. I get twenty-five dollars a month, with victuals and clothing; have a comfortable home for Mandy,—the folks call her Mrs. Anderson,—and the children—Milly, Jane, and Grundy—go to school and are learning well. The teacher says Grundy has a head for a preacher. They go to Sunday school, and Mandy and me attend church regularly. We are kindly treated. Sometimes we overhear others saying, "Them colored people were slaves" down in Tennessee. The children feel hurt when they hear such remarks; but I tell them it was no disgrace in Tennessee to belong to Colonel Anderson. Many darkeys would have been proud, as I used to be, to call you master. Now if you will write and say what wages you will give me, I will be better able to decide whether it would be to my advantage to move back again.
As to my freedom, which you say I can have, there is nothing to be gained on that score, as I got my free papers in 1864 from the Provost-Marshal-General of the Department of Nashville. Mandy says she would be afraid to go back without some proof that you were disposed to treat us justly and kindly; and we have concluded to test your sincerity by asking you to send us our wages for the time we served you. This will make us forget and forgive old scores, and rely on your justice and friendship in the future. I served you faithfully for thirty-two years, and Mandy twenty years. At twenty-five dollars a month for me, and two dollars a week for Mandy, our earnings would amount to eleven thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. Add to this the interest for the time our wages have been kept back, and deduct what you paid for our clothing, and three doctor's visits to me, and pulling a tooth for Mandy, and the balance will show what we are in justice entitled to. Please send the money by Adams's Express, in care of V. Winters, Esq., Dayton, Ohio. If you fail to pay us for faithful labors in the past, we can have little faith in your promises in the future. We trust the good Maker has opened your eyes to the wrongs which you and your fathers have done to me and my fathers, in making us toil for you for generations without recompense. Here I draw my wages every Saturday night; but in Tennessee there was never any pay-day for the negroes any more than for the horses and cows. Surely there will be a day of reckoning for those who defraud the laborer of his hire.
In answering this letter, please state if there would be any safety for my Milly and Jane, who are now grown up, and both good-looking girls. You know how it was with poor Matilda and Catherine. I would rather stay here and starve—and die, if it come to that—than have my girls brought to shame by the violence and wickedness of their young masters. You will also please state if there has been any schools opened for the colored children in your neighborhood. The great desire of my life now is to give my children an education, and have them form virtuous habits.
Say howdy to George Carter, and thank him for taking the pistol from you when you were shooting at me.
From your old servant,
Jourdon Anderson.
Where do the Red White and Blue come from?
I would suggest that the Red White and Blue come from the previous colors of Grey and Black.
Defending Freedom is what America does. All of the atrocities in the past are Grey and Black. Because of that, we have Red White and Blue.
Defending Freedom is what America does. All of the atrocities in the past are Grey and Black. Because of that, we have Red White and Blue.
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Aside: There clearly needs to be more mental health awareness and treatment too in the orthodox and chassidic communities. We really should be training more and more to be psychiatrists and physicians today. There should be more ability to control vehement situations such as this that Do arise in these conglomerations of chassid jews who mostly wander around in groups of many of the like and simply do not engage in all together constructive ways of expression and constructive learning and assembly.