Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Corruption is just tweaked and running to its mommy
Surprise that our favorite author of The Catcher and the Rye kept to himself huh?
JD Salinger is a free seeker in life.
His J is turbulently over reached.
Hid D is Skepticism included.
His S is Paris no more.
His A is lingo rules.
His l is grass grows in my lifetime.
His i-n combo is suprise suprise suprise.
His g is glad I aint with you all morning.
His e is frogs eat better than you do in life I think.
His r is solar blossoms exist.
So this is JD Salinger.
Scattering the Grave
Scrupulous and Efficient. Alan Parsons is Brilliant of course.
His A is first on the airplane. His writing is short and sweet, but he likes to stand up too.
His P stalks the enemy out and his writing ends in a lower case multiplier.
His prism is a dogma of understanding, yet no answers until you meet him in the world you will never see because it was here before time started to be honest.
Strumming the New York Skyline and then Some Cheeseburgers too
This is Alex Lifeson of Rush.
Well, I got the first 2 I better get them all!
Alex is majority rules and majority forms too.
His A is flow through flow right and flow all all all.
His L is search for it you'll find it and it will glow too.
Broomsticks and Goblin powder
This is Geddy Lees Handwriting and signature. I like his romantic tones in his letters, but I must say that his entire world is a back stage pass.
The G is cobra style.
The L is solutions.
Heart of Amplitude
This is Rush Drummist Neil Peart.
My favorite American Thinking Drummer from Canada. (well he is a patriot at some extent as his music silences the storms all the time).
Neil is working on his next set of frames of steel and bats of Stanzas of the Future.
The N is slow fisted but fast witted. The P is from the N too so that is a major feat like his own drumming skills and his performances.
The P is a combo move and it is a world upon a world upon a world three times over.
The t is a talk to me and befriend me too T
Look at this guy go!
Survival Artist
Above is the David Gilmour impression and I do believe this to be our favorite artist. His name is firm and syllabic and he looks like a man of western thought.
I must remark that perhaps this is not his writing, but I surely think it indefinately is of course.
So lets take a look.
The D is a factory of upset. This is a man who wants to shake the world up and write it away too.
His G is a change in a change machine.
His M is overlapping his o. This is a nice visual effect of course, but to me I think that he overlaps his own fueds with a sense of brotherhood.
The R is determined.
Overall, this is an artist that runs around and films the world and writes the captions.
Starlight Sonnet Twilight
Winson Churchill. Statesman and Avenger for Freedom and Humanity.
Winston is punching the world and he loves his freedom.
His W is wrapper in starlight and follows into a sonnet of twilight symphonies.
His C is suffice for now today, I will be here tomorrow in your minds.
His h is a write it down H.
His l's are wonderment.
Stain your own face, not mine
This is the writing of Voltaire.
To see Voltaire was to see Liberty and America in the age of French years prior to 1776.
This is a fellow who busied himself with the future of democracy and liberty.
His V is almost like a Heart.
His t is fortunate.
His l is encapsulated and aiming high.
His configuration for his realism is reflected in his ascending gesture of his signature.
The sound byte at the end of Voltaire is a Wish I was an American Citizen Mark.
I like Voltaire and have even recently started reading from his writings.
This man is a tree of sanity and luminescence to those who knew him.
A diet of Humanity
This is the signature of Baruch Spinoza, Dutch Philosopher who lived in the 1600s.
This guy is tough and he likes to work hard and he also silences his own critics.
Baruch was excommunited from the jewish community in Amsterday under a Cherem order.
This guy was too cool for his era.
This guy would have been a Major Guest on someones show like Jay Leno if he lived today.
His B is fool me? Fool you.
His S is stange life is mine.
His p is mark me well.
His z is find this way and find it well.
This is a major player in the world we were part of, though perhaps the study of his intellect is no longer a major play today, his intellect did exist and that is something we should all know and remember.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Anonymous And The War Over The Internet

Internet hacking is as horrible in some cases as murder and I must say that these people deserve to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
How to declare war on the Future!!!!!! WOW!
I had to write this on the Vos Iz Neias site today as they have discussed that there are nice Sephardic Rabbis who tell us that we Better not use the Internet!!!!!!!!!
This is very smart. No internet for Jews. Pretty soon, we wont be able to help people remember things like the Holocaust and we certainly wont have online Jewish bookstores either. You might as well drive all the way to Brooklyn every time you need Judaica and of course, you better hope that your bank and all the financial places let you do it in person. Of course its not a big deal that in 2-6 more years, 95% or more of our needs will be online!
Rabbi I will declare war on the future with you!!!! I'm all in. Let me just clean my home up a little bit more and get rid of my pens and pencils too. I could do a lot of harm if I write something bad in life!!!!!!!
This is very smart. No internet for Jews. Pretty soon, we wont be able to help people remember things like the Holocaust and we certainly wont have online Jewish bookstores either. You might as well drive all the way to Brooklyn every time you need Judaica and of course, you better hope that your bank and all the financial places let you do it in person. Of course its not a big deal that in 2-6 more years, 95% or more of our needs will be online!
Rabbi I will declare war on the future with you!!!! I'm all in. Let me just clean my home up a little bit more and get rid of my pens and pencils too. I could do a lot of harm if I write something bad in life!!!!!!!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Symposium for the rich
John Steinbeck is an Americans Writer.
His J is a Saw it last Friday night J.
The S Ends Wars.
His t in steinbeck is Aspiring for a higher climb in life.
His b in steinbeck is warm and holding a widget of a nut.
His h in John is inscribed and wrapped around fields of wilderness.
His whole name is advancing into the hope of time where pain is alleviated.
His k is a finished my water at last and before I must leave K.
I would have enjoyed having a cup of hot chocolate early in the morning with John Steinbeck.
Caricature of Life
This is our 16th presidents signature.
Abraham was consigned to being a full abridged servant of the Highest.
His A is an angled excellent row of useful bridge playing skills.
His L is a code of particularly self evident expression.
His letters are well formed and he does not dance around much with his penstrokes.
His label of syntax and etiquette is such that Abraham does in fact offer his thanks as he writes his name.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Shaking the Olive Trees
This is Joe Biden's Signature.
Joe is a concise and elegant man of many notations and many friendships.
Joe's J is a statue of sanctity.
His B is a cola of words and democracy.
His writing is proportioned like a designee of trust.
Joe's o is a look away and look right on the money o.
His e is prepare so you can complete E.
His i is hop scotch plus.
His d is through the sword in the curtain.
His e is everday man's e.
His n is a never molest mas n.
Good guy. Like him more to see his true becomings in his own expression of human hand writing.
Stick and Hit them
This is the signature of Margaret Thatcher.
Her magnitude is enough and her conversational charm is perfectly in the writing.
The M is a song bird with a glass of sonnets M. There is no impression of the M's sting in the center and Margaret likes to do her word cross puzzles with the lamp on dimly lit.
Her T is a Attic Safe T with a convalescence of hope.
The g is a catch 'em quickly g.
The t in thatcher is a rope em blindly Rodeo star t in thaTcher.
Her ultimate blessing is that she is grace with words of twilight last gleaming.
Who am I????????
As of Today, this is how my John Hancock reads today.
I must say that my own writing and signature has evolved in the years I have been on this planet as a person who signs documents checks and the like.
I once underlined my name as someone once told me "if you underline your name, it will make you 'look' important'. As of a number of years ago, that passive stature of hedonistic greed has not been to my way of documentation.
Funny that today, I did a good service and I just added the little "high five" on the far right of my signature. Also, I think as a result of fixing something that was sort of skewed against my own interests today, I think that I have a new harder tone of a larger grip on the pen and thus the actual writing is larger. This is a new way for me today as I was a little bit condensed in the past.
We will see how of course all handwriting evolves and for the day today, this is who I am.
A Form Fit C of the Caliber that wants to help you be a better American.
A simplified first name that does in fact end in the J of my middle initial.
I will not analyze my own handwriting as it might cost me the future of being your friend perhaps, but I will say this. It keeps evolving.
So I might have a real expensive John Hancock in a few years or someday ahead!
Studying the Self Expression
This has been circulating on the internet. There are so many who are so hateful of our president that when he is not walk step in line with the activity at hand, there is an outcry of "evildoer and uninvolved"!
This is in fact not how America is governed. America is governed by intelligent leaders with a tone of humanity and a way of decency.
Mr. Obama in this photo is not at the present time of photograph holding his hand over his heart. This does not seem to be a resistance move to the governance of Human endeavor and to me seems to be a contemplation moment by the President. Perhaps he was more into his own personal organization and thought processes at that particular moment and though it does not represent where the day is in the song or anthem, it is clear that in America, we have freedom of self expression and do not live in a military state. I find no fault in the self reflective contemplation that may have existed prior to the feelings of a national anthem or pledge of allegiance that perhaps was not exactly the thought that Mr. Obama was immediately entertaining. This may be from the beginning of his service, and with no surprise, it might be a time of deep personal contemplation prior to a major involvement in the Forces of Good and Worth in America.
Losing the Shining Star
I must remark that I have never and now will likely never become a Harry Potter Fan.
And it is too bad, this is a major piece of young person's literature.
One reason is that I am yet to commit myself to a 7 book series, but really I think that the major reason is that they made it a movie so fast.
I mean, if I read the book, I imagine I will just replay the movies characters and faces in my mind having no creativity to come up with my own imaginitive persons for each of the Harry Potter characters in the book.
This to me is literary forgery as the faces and the characters are now so depicted in film that the experience of reading and using your own imagination is now limited and defaced.
And it is too bad, this is a major piece of young person's literature.
One reason is that I am yet to commit myself to a 7 book series, but really I think that the major reason is that they made it a movie so fast.
I mean, if I read the book, I imagine I will just replay the movies characters and faces in my mind having no creativity to come up with my own imaginitive persons for each of the Harry Potter characters in the book.
This to me is literary forgery as the faces and the characters are now so depicted in film that the experience of reading and using your own imagination is now limited and defaced.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Sliding into the pedigree of your own lice
Here is Janice Brewer, the Governor of Arizona.
I must remark that her candor is evident in her honed appearance. The J is a beginning of a large proportion, yet Janice skews down her K and B. To me this indicates that she is just not ready for her castigations.
Her J is a large and enterprising J, yet it has a bit of a watermelon of a safety stop at the top followed by a abbreviated and condensed lower stop at the bottom. To me this is a Vomit in your own boat J.
Her B is a double entry B as you can see she has a double beginning in her signature writing on this letter. I suspect that her catalogue of canaries is with less than one for each open season at the coal mines. This B to me is a Risky Business B.
The K is a Walk my way or no way K.
Brewer is written in a more condensed manner than Janice. She is in a hurry to get her day over.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Son of the Firmness of Choice Lifestyles and Worth
Dodgeball Wizard!
This is our fellow the inventor of course.
This is a man who knew what he was waiting for and waited with waving stamina.
Thomas Edison is a firm patriot who stands firm and walks in a door and answers his calls.
His T is a clock tower that wants to tick away the moments of the day and bring a new feeling to the moment.
His E is a sure thing.
His over arch is a nice way to show that this man has of course made it and walks with the bright and inquisitive in his entire way of displaying generosity and happiness for the well deserving.
Cornerstone of Democracy
Benjamin Franklin, proverb of humanity.
Ben is fast and sure. His hope never dies. His choices are on the wall for the world to view.
The B is an artisans cinch and he delivers the goods right on time and right for the friendships among our people.
His F is a schooner of amazement. This man never gave up on his fascination with the world at large and at whole.
His k is a concise articulation of tomorrow.
His l is a living breathing idea for the democracy at heavens gates.
His r is a round about comma of a friendship that will endure for all times.
His n is a breath of teaching and wisdom.
His a is a rip it all off fast and make it work a.
This is a man who got the job done, got the job inscribed and then got the job formulated into the languages of all to see.
Amassing a Great Fortune
American as they came, this is John Adams.
This guy is basically a straight shooter.
His J is a covenant of humanity.
His A is a Polite syntax of Formation.
The o is a personification of honor worth and sincerity.
His h is a conscription of taxes upon the light of delight.
His d is a friendship circle of fun and revelry.
His a is a young childs writing way of expression and happiness.
The m is money money money,
And the s is a simple orchard of substance.
Bureaucrat Diamond but a Steak Knife in the Apartment
Above is Mr. John Boehner.
His name is expensive and his charm is indeed well within its walls.
His J is a scapegoat eating J and he likes to fancy himself with wealth and digest.
Mr. Boehners B is an attack dog B and he looks like he is ready to rough it up any time.
His o in John is a muffin top throwing o and it speaks of a day when John was ready for his breakfast early and working for his own keep too.
His h is a bureaucratic h with a shine for pensive thinking.
His h in his surname is an h with a cadillac on hold.
Overall Boehner is a very elaborate fellow who likes to eat even raw steak, though if you cook it for him, he will make do.
Cards on the table
William Shakespeare. Either the writer of many of the shakespearian stories or as depicted in the film "Anonymous" maybe he was a front for someone else.
Mr. Shakespeare has a certain charm and intellect about himself, yet his last name looks like a firestorm of infamy and somewhat disgentrified mass intellectual harassment.
I think that the W is consign and seems to emit a certain beacon of wonder about Mr. Shakespeare.
His S is a corner star S which starts in the opposite direction of the true S inscription due points. Thre is a radical hot point written to the upper left of his Shakespeare last name. To me this may just be masochistic evidence of a man who wants to form his own beacons of light and promise.
His h is a chat of innocence, yet a star of conversational presence.
His remaining letters in his name are slightly less than assignable, yet we can stipulate where he was in his handwriting in the writing of the remainder of his name.
The B looking item is likely his K I think in Shakespeare. This is a funny looking K which is really a neat embellishment of his own nervous structure. The S is a little drawn out and silent.
The p which sort of looks like a crossed t with an under structure is likely a rote throw at the forces of nature.
I am not certain that I could tell from his signature if he wrote his works or not, but I will say that Mr. Shakespeare based on his own inscription of writing is likely a candidate for some intense personal development and thus I do ascertain in my own beliefs that perhaps there was a conspiracy to change the format of the written word in the Shakespearian writings, yet that is not evidenced in my thoughts by what I see here.
Surmounting the odds and eating your apple sauce
The magistrate, the magnanimous man. Alec Baldwin.
I must admit that I am a democrat, but Mr. Baldwin really irks me in his aperature on the commentary and on the screen. Let me take a look at his pensmanship....
His A is a frog hopping A with a very large frog belly.
His B is a Before the ark comes home B. It just does not have any sway to its backbone and its own buy the lamp post first adage is just a little bit crass if you ask me.
His l in Alec is a lobster eating l with a light post upstroke and a round the waves back drawn return post.
The Seemingly A in baldwin is a run up the communist flag a which to me seems like a run of the mill flag pole chasing ghost.
The l in baldwin is the only other letter written and it is a dusk to dawn l with an ending of the solemn chosen happy "its me" variety.
An underline for conjecture.
Mr. Baldwin is busy and omniprescent in his own soul, but he really lacks the convictions and conjecture to be any much a focused soul on the television circuit in my thoughts on this one.
Trucking into the Future
Johann Sebastian Bach.
My favorite of all the Classical Composers.
Beginning with his formality, JS Bach is a bulging attitude of formality and reason.
His J is a function of scholarship and aptitude. There is a start in the father zone of his J that continues into his first upstroke on the bend of the J amplitude. This to me signifies that Mr. Bach was enlightened in his freedoms and his magistrate as well as his own silence for gravity of humanity.
His S is a squadron of one S and it looks like he really likes to think about the musical endeavor. (no surprise).
His B is a double formed B with a surface gabble of an initiation with a second form of lower B motif that is exactly the way a man of the pining for a musical entry into the world may wish to consider himself; double clef.
His h in Bach is looped and looped over. This is particularly fascinating as Mr. Bach liked to do more than a few things with his ambeture for exactitude and the h looks to me as if he was indeed composing as he walked in the doorway in life.
His n's in Johann are butter payments on the down pillow. This man is freedom on the money.
Afraid of my shadow? Hardly
Joe Lieberman. A man of many liberties and many ordinances.
This fellow is simply put, generous, handsome in writing and handsome in the handshake too.
Joe's J is a tribal Tribal J. It looks like he feels the pain of others.
The L is a lowe case L which makes me think that Mr. Lieberman is a fun guy.
The signature trails off and that indicates usually that Mr. Lieberman is right on the money most of the time.
His B is cocooned with a large walk before the man. This is shapely and shows that Mr. Lieberman likes to put some distance between those who are uncommonly different from his own fellowship in life.
Tracking the Magnets too
The formidable Colin L. Powell.
A master of abbreviation. A master of consideratble talent.
Mr. Powell is Cap and Gown all the way.
He dwells in the stars, yet he really is more like a comet than a gas cloud himself.
His C is a voice of democratic reasoning. His P is a walk of integrity with a just small smidgen of coyness.
His L is an officious start to the morning.
Colin Powell is a bright guy of course, but looking at his autograph, I can think that he really never would have been a president in the USA.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Live Long and Frown
This is the caretaker of the 9 pm Time slot on the "freedom loving" Fox News.
Sean Hannity, a patriot who just wants to outride Paul Revere.
Part of his monicker is that he really likes to be free, but the loose association of his own intellect and his charm indicates to me that Mr. Hannity would really look funny in clown suit someday.
Sean's S is a sassafras succatash way of refraining from Pop culture to be his own pop star himself.
His H is cross hatched continuous H with a high ball origin yet a humble somewhat designed marble head of a factoring association with his own esteem.
The Y in hannity is un challenged with an upperstructure, yet it does have the dignity of a bottom walk along the freeway of unconscious hopes for happiness.
His t is uncrossed indicating that Sean does not really like to "go all the way" in his workings.
Mr. Hannity is a freedom consumer, yet he just does not have the sticks to really build that log cabin in the American Fronteir he wants to conquer.
Scoundrel at the Gates of Dawn
Our fascination with Fox news never waivers huh?
Here is our dearest Bill O'reilly.
A man of higher powers and a man of higher words. (right?)
This guy signs his name at an upward slant.
This to me indicates that Bill wants upward mobility and he wants it right now right now right now.
Bill's B is a voice of satisfaction, yet mainly with his own intellectual thought ways of being. His O is unformed and undecypherable from his R in O'Reilly. Either way its a mistake that this guy wants to delve into his future with a hand of bait for Presence and Honor.
This guy is wanting to rearm himself with a cornerstone of delight and intrigue, yet his infinite clandestine involvement in a movement of firm self intonation with the infutility of assessing a loss of liberty to be deemed his own representative harm to the world is simply not his way but it really is his opening.
His Y is a going for a hard ware store shopping list view of the world.
The Y even has a lower up wand that to me indicates that Mr. O'Reilly is just not that settled.
George Washington the Healer of the Eras of All To Come
Simply put, American American American American American.
This is the father of liberty.
This is the moment that the moon and the stars and the lights of heaven all said Amen.
All should know Mr. Washington yet of course, his era is lapsed into the past and today we still walk around watching things such as unabridged intellectual dismal dogmatic news such as the televisions of the Fox News era today.
George Washington was a fidelity first and courage contained and intact human being of magnanimous proportions.
His G is a Fifty Fifty Fifty Fifty Altimeter of G's and he has a passion for courage and satisfaction at all times.
Mr. Washington was genial and displaced by none in any time period by any sword or any stone and he lasts indefinately in the intellectual hall of fame for all fathers of all liberties and all passions of American Needs and American Conduct.
His W is a Lamp of Gold and the lower loops are such that Washington would coerce a half bagged drugged up sailor to disembark and lower his gear.
His full wording of Washington is with courage and displacement and has the wrappings of a field marshall who will never swear allegiance to anyone but his G-d and Creator.
Washington is all together just and he is all together magnanimous in every way that magnanimity could be revealed to the world.
His s is a sample of liberty and fraternity.
His h is a humble attempt to show his true respect for democracy and willingness to fight for what is diplomatically necessary in humanity.
The G is with a disconnected sword representing a man whose inner strength is that of a concise warrior yet a simple fair farmer on the plains of life.
His T is crossed with a diplomats anvil of a cross hatching and that to me suggests that President Washington was liberty with a square root of presence and formidible yearning for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. His t is a upstroke of generosity and a lower sample of vague intrigue.
The o is old fashioned and its perfection is of the friendship level of sainthood.
And his n is a simple cost effective approach to dignity and watchfulness.
Gravity in his own lapsed future
This is Rudolf Hess.
His political fate was at Nuremberg and he served as a politician to Hitler (ym's).
Hess is officious yet somewhat of a bashful man in some ways.
His office was of a ruse and his mantra was such that he dwelled with whomever it was that was in the day at that time and that place.
His R is a statute of regularity yet somewhat of a brick of despair and a concern of long standing silence and long standing queitude in the face of hatred and death.
I read that he was considered by Winston Churchhill to be "[He] was a medical and not a criminal case, and should be so regarded."
His last name is really not forumlated and the H has no hashmark to divide its chasm of up and downward stillness. His body of his signature is an open remark going from a low to hill and down to a chasm below.
His d is a clam shell d with a clandestine upward upper post with a small oval loop which to me is really a remark of infidelity and distorted reality.
His f is a bold face flaky remark. It does not have a very strong height compared with other letters and its dive downward looks like he really just wanted to keep flying the flag.
His l is a graphic depiction of the rugs that this man wanted to burn.
Again on his R, it is a wanting R which wants to be seen and wants to be memorized by the public at large. The cocky upstroke on the first leg of the R with a down statement is like saying "I am worried I am not enough yet I am going to be here and complain about anything too". His R has a mid section loop which to me seems to speak that Hess was a lump on the leg of the Third Reich and he really did not wish to have any major role in the affairs yet he wanted to do everything that was permitted as well.
Sword in the Chocolate bar of your own imagination
Here is Albert Speer. The Cheif Nazi Archetect
This guy is a fascination of ambivilance for justice, yet a certain intellect of intrigue.
His A is a corn pike of A's and he writes like he is listed as the dead for the future.
Speer is a big stalker of infrastructure of course, yet his own insight into his own situation is somewhat apparant.
The S is poorly formed and in turn converts to his p. The rest of his word is a jarble but all into the lost cause of his future.
Finding your own Shortcut to the Asylum
This is Joseph Goebbels, the Third Reich Nazi Party's Mininster of Propeganda.
The G is a unformed silence of a storm of hostility.
The First word perhaps is Dr, though I am uncertain if this is a mark or a part of his name.
It is a little bit forboding.
The o in goebbels is a spin your own tune o as it just does not in any way silence its own audacity by closing the loop in any attempt. The G again is also a preformed zero of a religous decree and goebbels just wanted to be left alone to his own department of infirm infamy.
The b is a fortress of scotch drinking madness (though I do not know his exact drinking habits, this is a soliloquoy to his own mind brazen sadistic tune).
His l is a lamp shade on his own wrist.
His s is a communication breakdown with a firm bottom egg of a stop.
I guess This guy was about as sincere and appreciative of human health and endeavor as a mushroom growing on a tree in the shade of a reform dormatory.
Malarky in your bowl of cereal and your soup
This is Heinreich Himmler, the cheif of the gestappo during the Third Reich of Germans Dismal Shameful Disturbed and horrifying past.
Notice the narrow vision on the H in Heinrich. The uphatch of a cross of the H is a journey and this man likes to stay his own stomach into a future of disrepair.
The H in Himmler is very much the same, though the upstroke of the cross hair hatch is just a little bit more insulting to the world and indicates that this man might prey upon the unconscious mind.
His M's are zig zag with death and a death spin into the corrupt asylum of his own infinite selfpraise.
His L is an absolute fetish of lifestyles of inexactitude. It begins below the counter of the 2nd m and it looks like Himmler wants to run a race against his own soul.
His e is undecyperable as an e and to me indicates that Himmler was unfriendly and untoward towards the ordinary.
His R is also a sample of impairment and likely bestowed scientific patrimony to his own shadow in life.
The final stroke of the R follows itself and excuses its own formality.
Himmler was a bureaucrat and a downgraded mind of wastoid fervor.
This guy would have survived in a Post Nazi Era in many ways but would have been likely to be a negative commenter on national television in this era we survived to belong today.
Stunning the Families
This is Josef Mengele, the physician of the holocaust era who dismally destroyed the lives of many and corruptedly attacked twin births as his method of a protege that might induce an answer to his medical science, while he killed or destroyed one twin and use the other as a control subject.
Mengele is officious and bitter and he wants to change the light bulb with his own grapefruit grin.
The J is a Sanctimonious blasphemous grin at death.
His M is a vaporous inflammation of heresy.
The rest is about as officious as this guy is. Pretty close to the manners of a younger person being taught to be perfect in his legible writing.
The G is a preformed and prerecorded version of a shopping mall massacre.
His words go out into the absolute and this guy thinks that his writing is impeccable and that his world is exactly as it needs to be to be as experienced and solvent as he thinks that his world requires him.
His s is a sweet potatoe s which basically tells me that mengele wanted to sweet talk some of his victims in some way. I am not certain if this is historically accurate, but that is the impression I have from reading his writing.
Final Solutions Final Sickness
Here is the whallop of whalloping signatures of the heretic of the monster and of the dismal whore of a dismal dispelling zero humanity in the face of nothing but hatred and theifdom and rashes of murderous deceit and terror.
This is Adolf Hitler. Unknown date (there are records of how his signature has changed and devolved over the years)
Notice that his A is a crime faced A with a derelict siding that does not approximate the vision of the beginning upstart.
His H is spectacular and he wants to ride his horse and hear his victory dance music too.
His f is a so long I hate to be in your life and I hate to be your friend F. The cornerstroke that he uses to show that it is an f angles in a "I want to leave you all and forget you exist" manner.
The t in hitler is a grinning symptom of lost sight and lost singularity. The top stroke on the t is a cross that just does not want to dine on anything of any orthodox variety.
The entire signature slopes down to the grave.
Sister Christian I want to meet you for a latke
Oh my dear Sarah P.
How I must see you in the south of France!
For you are fortold and your words are almost gold
And for you I do speak with a tripping beat!
Sarah Palin is an officer of the permanence of the scholastic hope of lapsing into sound sleep while looking out the side window during mathematics class.
The S is a serpentine S and it clearly indicates that our Dear Favorite is a better mind only when it comes to doing her own taxes when she earns 6 million a year.
Her P is a continuation of her friendly first name and by doing so, Sarah ensures that her gold is good but only so much that the gold is on the first floor of the lowest of the lowest skyrises. Her P is a conquest P and it shows that Sarah is busy betting on rugs and clam shells in life rather than attending to the satisfaction and hopes of a real future.
Her l in Palin is a sickening fall of esteem and captivation.
Her r in sarah is a lost cause.
Her a in sarah first is a fat swing of second hand intellect. The second a is a continuous working of a loopty loop (as it seems) that indicates that our Favorite VP candidate from yesterday is efficient, yet not so enveloped in the freedoms that she seems to think are hers to formulate and displease.
Her a in her last name is as the A in Sarah, but it lacks a little magnification.
Her signature fades off into the corner and that is fine by me.
Sarah Palin would not be too keen on showing her ghost image to the children of tomorrow, but lets face it, she is a friend who will keep offering use manuscripts of the condensed attention of a flea bitten magistrate of the most utmost cobwebbed world of upper class tiered shows of fathomable horror.
Doom Noom I will not be on the Floom
What a world we all live in today.
Gandhi was a total realistic guy.
The letters are perfectly spaced and signify a very ample healthy conversationally apt and fit human being.
M K Gandhi's flow is fantastic. This is a life that wants to reach out and touch someone.
The G is a blessing of courage and fantasticism and it just seems to wind its way ahead of the day and work its way into the house of friendship and warmth.
The Bottom of the G is sophisticatedly benign and tremendously obvious to this honorifics silence and genuine appreciation for all things just and righteous.
Mr. Gandhi's M is a careful assimylation of victory and dancing and it looks like Mr. Gandhi was a very efficient state of perfect inner harmony in the highest of proportions.
Our Friends K is an inscription of pennance and form.
The d is a silent approach to Freedom.
His h is a complete fountain of health and prosperity.
Our friend Mahatma was sincere of course and his depth of his spirit is matched by only the few who might meet with this heroic majestic being in any sense that they might attain the depth of humanity that Mr. Gandhi has indeed in his time founded for all of Mankind.
Gandhi was a total realistic guy.
The letters are perfectly spaced and signify a very ample healthy conversationally apt and fit human being.
M K Gandhi's flow is fantastic. This is a life that wants to reach out and touch someone.
The G is a blessing of courage and fantasticism and it just seems to wind its way ahead of the day and work its way into the house of friendship and warmth.
The Bottom of the G is sophisticatedly benign and tremendously obvious to this honorifics silence and genuine appreciation for all things just and righteous.
Mr. Gandhi's M is a careful assimylation of victory and dancing and it looks like Mr. Gandhi was a very efficient state of perfect inner harmony in the highest of proportions.
Our Friends K is an inscription of pennance and form.
The d is a silent approach to Freedom.
His h is a complete fountain of health and prosperity.
Our friend Mahatma was sincere of course and his depth of his spirit is matched by only the few who might meet with this heroic majestic being in any sense that they might attain the depth of humanity that Mr. Gandhi has indeed in his time founded for all of Mankind.
Whats the deal with impartiality?
Welcome to the world of Rick Santorum
Closed minded. Close to his own shadow. Close to the future if you like to roast on a spit.
The R is a bugger bye R. It is a walk into the shame festival of open folly and open defecation of the plume of the manhood of a man.
The S is a continuation of his first name and indicates that Mr. Santorum is not going to be done and never will finish his "work" on this planets surface. He keeps going on and on with his plans of course.
The S starts on the lower level, runs up to the staircase above and zips to the ladder to the childproof container in life and then juts itself into the sword of his own inner feelings and thus it finds itself visiting a new bone of waverly syncopation with his next letter the o which fires itself onto the middle of his aperature and then worms its way into the coat hanger that he really wants to hang someone with someday.
The whole thing about Rick Santorum is that he really believes the hell he wants to rewrite into history and he thinks its there for himself in many ways.
Scooter Scutbucket
Trumpet the candy striper barn of fleecing the world,
This is the Newt for President Bumper sticker.
Newt Gingrich is a man of the moment, but a lesser figure in the speech of a very exact science of human interest and human endeavors.
Newt's N is an erratic display of self want and self assessment.
His G is nearly uninscribed.
The t in newt is a contintuation of the w and the guy is just plain lazy.
Gingrich is just written in a forthright and forthlackingsight manner of up and up and away NEWT!
This guy wants to fly like superman while he simply wants to run around in his copacetic 'underoos' of his personna all day long.
Calling the Frosty One
This is Eric Cantor's Signature.
He is a sunshine Bringer who just does not like to eat dates.
Mr. Cantor's E in Eric is a faucet of goals and saucy rhetoric. This is a Tight Scoring E.
His C in Cantor is a Carefully magnified cloud dweller of the ages.
This shows that Mr. Cantor likes to endure his own temper and he likes to draw it out for the present and accounted.
Mr. Cantor's T is a low expression of survivability without the effort of indifference. The hatch to cross the t is able and willing to choose its voice very concisely.
The a in Cantor is a down spoken a and it looks like Mr. Cantor likes to dwell indefinately in his own form and thought processes without abling the future to change his own perspectives.
His r in Eric is a right cross R with a vice roy of an inflection in the arriving area of the r (The downward motion of his pen). I believe that Mr. Cantor is humble, yet not so defeated by the talk of his own inappropriations. This to me seems like a man who simply can not compete even minded in the surrounding reasonable worlds of free choice and free management.
Mr. Cantors final R is a Clap your hands its all done today R. It rosters out on the bottom line for a final spin at the amplitude of Health and Wellness and it looks like Mr. Cantor really likes to dance in the world with his hands in the air.
Warrior World: The plight of the "'insane'"
Those who are given a mental health diagnosis are often refused employment and have their respective careers curtailed.
A diagnosis of a mental illness whether totally accurate or an assumption of dysfunction is the declaration in many circles of worthlessness.
A human being with mental illness, especially in high demanding fields is no longer eligible for any trust or contention in the sphere of human involvement of a higher earning career or a statue of human consideration for the future of a democratic planet in the public arena overall.
The fact is that this is a warrior world. If you are not deemed today's "warrior" your conjecture is no longer appropriate for any trained and skilled labor.
A diagnosis of a mental illness whether totally accurate or an assumption of dysfunction is the declaration in many circles of worthlessness.
A human being with mental illness, especially in high demanding fields is no longer eligible for any trust or contention in the sphere of human involvement of a higher earning career or a statue of human consideration for the future of a democratic planet in the public arena overall.
The fact is that this is a warrior world. If you are not deemed today's "warrior" your conjecture is no longer appropriate for any trained and skilled labor.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Sword Carrier in The Rose Parade of the Beethoven Conventions
Suffice to say, Mr. Obama is a major intelligence on this planet.
Our 44th president is a major man of great esteem and survivability as well as trust and blessings.
The B is a right on the money going after a steam engine B.
The O is a Confluence of being on the carrot and on time too.
Barack Obama privileges himself of being an answer to the fruition of the baggage of lackadaisical smiting of dignity that has walked this planet for so many effortless times of human discretion and displeasures.
He spells his whole name out and that to me indicates that Mr. Obama is ready and worldly and wants to really ensure that his feats of occupational involvement are truly right and forthright in the light of a climate of discouragement and forces of poverty and low self esteem as well as usual public disrespect for the underclass and under privileged human structure.
I would prefer that if I met Mr. Obama that he would be a fellow I would love to spend a day at the Arts and Theatre and perhaps an Orchestra or a Ballet. This would be a fun guy to enjoy a 3 some with on the golf course too.
Calling the Future and Asking for a Placemat
George W Bush, Our 43rd president.
Notice that the G is a playful and open G with a notice to visit inside the following G in georGe.
This fellow is a respectable and playful man and he likes to bake his cake with a tradewind of silence and quietude. Mr. Bush likes his tea served tepid and he likes his ball game played on time and never into extra innings.
His B is a conglomerate of marching voices. Mr. Bush likes to eat his stoicism and he likes to vote often and fervently.
Notice that the G is a playful and open G with a notice to visit inside the following G in georGe.
This fellow is a respectable and playful man and he likes to bake his cake with a tradewind of silence and quietude. Mr. Bush likes his tea served tepid and he likes his ball game played on time and never into extra innings.
His B is a conglomerate of marching voices. Mr. Bush likes to eat his stoicism and he likes to vote often and fervently.
Court of The solvent but Extreme
This is the signature of Supreme court Justice John Roberts.
A big bill fold of a man.
The R is a plenty of personality R and the J is a juvenile characterization J.
Mr. Roberts is a business only man and he likes to spin the dreidle on the large table of life.
Mr. Roberts is personified in his first name as a man who wants to find electable solutions.
The O in John is a bit exceeding compared with his whole name. Its his first take at bringing a new era to the Washington Elect and Elite.
The B in Roberts is fascinatingly congruent into the very B we learn in 2nd grade. Mr. Roberts would change nothing in the form of sentence structure and would like to burn his own fame before he lets anyone step on his walk in life.
The T in Roberts is a curved and convex T backcommon and the down stroke of the hashcross which starts very shortly after the form of the t is a warning to the public that Mr. Roberts is not ever going to stand alone and he will most certainly build his witness structure based on time and place.
Sword carrier in the Franternity Barracks
This is of course, Nancy Pelosi.
Notice she writes her full name. No abbreviation. This woman is interesting and commanding.
Her N is a Lapse of Strength and a Lapse of Dignification. She likes to work hard and she merits a great hand in the poker game of humanity.
The P is a pelican happy P with a simple form and a very effective notice of presence.
Nancy is simple and she is right minded.
The N in nancy (naNcy) is a jump start small n. It indicates that Ms. Pelosi is efficient and she lives at large too. The s in Pelosi is a bear hugger s with an inturned inner lower s refrain.
Our Congresswoman is an enterprising woman. (no surprise huh)
The Y in Nancy is a work hard stop at nothing y. She does not take no for an answer and she does not forget the issues that are unjust either.
Parody here and Parody there
This is the signature of Paul Ryan, Congressman from Wisconsin (R).
He signs his name only his first name on this sample.
I think that Mr. Paul (Ryan) is a big smart fellow.
His P is enormous in some proportion and he does show a good deal of intellect.
I think that the P is a conversational piece of a P and that his capacity to show indifference before terror is clearly not a situation I would worry about with Mr. Ryan.
The P is large and effaced and it is a down stroke followed by an upwind and a wind around P station top. To me, Mr. Ryan is collaborative and has some interest in becoming a miracle worker of some sense.
I think that the L in his name is a common sense L. His lamp is on, but I must say that it might emit a greenish clay colored glow.
Mr. Paul's smaller a and u is an indication that he has contrite wishes, though perhaps he is less than overall contrite himself.
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