Saturday, October 29, 2011
Revitalizing the Cause
I must say that the Occupy Wall Street Movement seems to have its forces in place.
They are proud. They are busy.
They are "occupy". Right?
I think that they should be so proud of their selves that they offer to list all of their names on an internet web page dedicated to documenting those at the protest.
I think that if you are going to have the audacity to occupy and obstruct commerce, you should be documented.
I do not think this should be a criminal record in any way. Just a public record.
Thus I would report your name and height.
The reason I say this is that any employment office should be able to find out later if you are someone who is subversive towards proper order in the work place. The occupy forces are such that they stand for changing the face of American Business and Banking. This may sound good and fine and in fact it does in fact have its rights in of itself; but the fact that they are using public places of commerce and employment locations to indicate their greivance, I suggest that these persons are not a protest that is with liberty and priviledge but rather they are an anarchy movement that seeks some form of destruction in the idea that they may create a better society.
So if you are on that list, be advised an employer can find this out during your employment or before and make a decision.
This may sound like a radical plan, but I assure you that it is liberal thinking. I imagine most of the people in this nation would oppose this including the OWS movement.
This is liberal because it allows for justification of decisions on your future based on your conduct and actions. If you believe you are not doing anything wrong, so be it. Be not afraid to protest by signing your name to a web site.
If you think that you are doing something wrong, then you are guilty of conduct that indeed an employer may indeed have a right to know. Perhaps it is not a criminal violation; though you can certainly be arrested. You are taking your own chances.
And to those who might mistakenly be on the list; I suggest that if someone shares your name that you can indeed add to the list under their name your own name and address and a comment that you deny being a part of the protest. This should not be a black list in any way. Just a list of participants.
Makes sense to me.
And after all, you are in the public. You can be photographed and identified.
They are proud. They are busy.
They are "occupy". Right?
I think that they should be so proud of their selves that they offer to list all of their names on an internet web page dedicated to documenting those at the protest.
I think that if you are going to have the audacity to occupy and obstruct commerce, you should be documented.
I do not think this should be a criminal record in any way. Just a public record.
Thus I would report your name and height.
The reason I say this is that any employment office should be able to find out later if you are someone who is subversive towards proper order in the work place. The occupy forces are such that they stand for changing the face of American Business and Banking. This may sound good and fine and in fact it does in fact have its rights in of itself; but the fact that they are using public places of commerce and employment locations to indicate their greivance, I suggest that these persons are not a protest that is with liberty and priviledge but rather they are an anarchy movement that seeks some form of destruction in the idea that they may create a better society.
So if you are on that list, be advised an employer can find this out during your employment or before and make a decision.
This may sound like a radical plan, but I assure you that it is liberal thinking. I imagine most of the people in this nation would oppose this including the OWS movement.
This is liberal because it allows for justification of decisions on your future based on your conduct and actions. If you believe you are not doing anything wrong, so be it. Be not afraid to protest by signing your name to a web site.
If you think that you are doing something wrong, then you are guilty of conduct that indeed an employer may indeed have a right to know. Perhaps it is not a criminal violation; though you can certainly be arrested. You are taking your own chances.
And to those who might mistakenly be on the list; I suggest that if someone shares your name that you can indeed add to the list under their name your own name and address and a comment that you deny being a part of the protest. This should not be a black list in any way. Just a list of participants.
Makes sense to me.
And after all, you are in the public. You can be photographed and identified.
Fires in the Den
Today there are 2 opposing forces and they are not orthodox. In fact they are not opposing each other in as much as they oppose the constructs of the individual coupled spirits of their normal 'counterparts'.
Namely there are two major values in America. Conservative Values and Liberal Values.
In fact they do not diametrically oppose each other when you begin to understand them. Liberalism hires Conservatism and Conservatism hires Liberalism. Thus they are coupled together.
The scary fact though is that each of these spirits of conservatism and liberalism both have an evil counterpart. Their counterparts are each of these spirits turned into an aggressive and destructive force. The Forces seek to decouple the liberal and conservative spirits which hire one another and work fine in a good coupling.
Liberalism when destabilized becomes socialism.
Conservatism when destabilized becomes radical pluralism.
These are a bad thing. Socialism tries to destroy conservative values.
Radical Pluralism tries to destroy liberal values.
We must work together today to ensure that socialism and radical pluralism do not succeed in destroying the values that we as Americans hold dear.
Liberalism and Conservatism are not diametrically opposite one another.
Its the Evil Counterpart of each of these forces that is the force that diametrically opposes the true American Value.
This is scary because today, both of these things are on the rise.
We must fight radical pluralism such as what is found on Fox news today and we must find ways to promote true Conservative values.
We must also oppose the socialist agenda and design a future where true liberalism promotes the common good.
All is well though, I think that the forces of prosperity and affluence acknowledge that these 2 evil counterpart forces are held in check.
Namely there are two major values in America. Conservative Values and Liberal Values.
In fact they do not diametrically oppose each other when you begin to understand them. Liberalism hires Conservatism and Conservatism hires Liberalism. Thus they are coupled together.
The scary fact though is that each of these spirits of conservatism and liberalism both have an evil counterpart. Their counterparts are each of these spirits turned into an aggressive and destructive force. The Forces seek to decouple the liberal and conservative spirits which hire one another and work fine in a good coupling.
Liberalism when destabilized becomes socialism.
Conservatism when destabilized becomes radical pluralism.
These are a bad thing. Socialism tries to destroy conservative values.
Radical Pluralism tries to destroy liberal values.
We must work together today to ensure that socialism and radical pluralism do not succeed in destroying the values that we as Americans hold dear.
Liberalism and Conservatism are not diametrically opposite one another.
Its the Evil Counterpart of each of these forces that is the force that diametrically opposes the true American Value.
This is scary because today, both of these things are on the rise.
We must fight radical pluralism such as what is found on Fox news today and we must find ways to promote true Conservative values.
We must also oppose the socialist agenda and design a future where true liberalism promotes the common good.
All is well though, I think that the forces of prosperity and affluence acknowledge that these 2 evil counterpart forces are held in check.
Socialism in the USA
I never realized it until tonight, but the idea of socialism is alive and well and quite particularly scary here in America. I had not heard of any major socialist movements in years gone by, but I must remark that I realize today that upon watching some of the news that Socialism is the force egging on the Occupy Wall Street Movement. The OWS is a group of anarchists. They hide behind the banner of liberalism and liberal politics and they appeal to the angry people on the left. The fact is that the left is right some of the time, but not all of the time. I am a Democrat today and I side with the left on political issues for the most part. But today, I am watching Michael Moore on Television. He is egging on the protestors. I had recently seen him in a CNN interview and thought he was quite intelligent. But I must profess, I have never wanted or ventured to adjust to his demagoguery in terms of watching his films and considering the permissive-pacifist bias that he has in filming evils and trying to exploit public opinion to reshape society. I have decided that I will not indeed choose to watch his films. But I will listen to him in an interview and try to decide what he has to offer.
To me, Mr. Moore is a socialist. I had hoped he was a liberal as there was some liberal inclination in his speech and thoughts. But in truth, Michael Moore is a leading socialist and he thrives in the dilemmas of bringing pain and suffering to those who are in higher places of priviledge in today's society.
Michael Moore is wealthy and influential. Yet I think that today he is quite unpopular for good reason. I do worry that his message will result in his own demise and likely that would be at the hands of persons who are bent to do evil to him and bring about a life threatening situation or murder. I have heard him report that he gets many death threats.
Sometimes you get death threats because you are doing the right thing and it infuriates an element that is filled with hatred.
Sometimes you do the wrong thing and you get death threats because you infiltrate the community of persons filled with hatred with a new sense of audacity and that they can not cope with the combined hatred and other ways of destruction in their minds and being.
I suspect that Mr. Moore is a combination of both of these types of assessments.
Watching the OWS crowds today, I am simply amazed at the sheer numbers of mostly youth who would go to the lengths to make this sit in upstaging of Usual Industry and Business in America.
I do realize that of course there is corruption and discord in todays society; yet I am perplexed thinking that so many people are so inflamed that they must indeed show their presence in a public way.
This scares me in a sense as I think that it ruins the cleaner image of American society in the eyes of the international community. I do think that America is a mostly clean place in terms of ideology overall; especially among the democrats and some of the conservatives (radical pluralists are far from clean in my eyes).
So to watch these protests, I must wonder what horrible forces are pushing them on and on. These children are pawns in the hands of the socialists. And I think that the socialists are indeed quite dangerous.
To me, Mr. Moore is a socialist. I had hoped he was a liberal as there was some liberal inclination in his speech and thoughts. But in truth, Michael Moore is a leading socialist and he thrives in the dilemmas of bringing pain and suffering to those who are in higher places of priviledge in today's society.
Michael Moore is wealthy and influential. Yet I think that today he is quite unpopular for good reason. I do worry that his message will result in his own demise and likely that would be at the hands of persons who are bent to do evil to him and bring about a life threatening situation or murder. I have heard him report that he gets many death threats.
Sometimes you get death threats because you are doing the right thing and it infuriates an element that is filled with hatred.
Sometimes you do the wrong thing and you get death threats because you infiltrate the community of persons filled with hatred with a new sense of audacity and that they can not cope with the combined hatred and other ways of destruction in their minds and being.
I suspect that Mr. Moore is a combination of both of these types of assessments.
Watching the OWS crowds today, I am simply amazed at the sheer numbers of mostly youth who would go to the lengths to make this sit in upstaging of Usual Industry and Business in America.
I do realize that of course there is corruption and discord in todays society; yet I am perplexed thinking that so many people are so inflamed that they must indeed show their presence in a public way.
This scares me in a sense as I think that it ruins the cleaner image of American society in the eyes of the international community. I do think that America is a mostly clean place in terms of ideology overall; especially among the democrats and some of the conservatives (radical pluralists are far from clean in my eyes).
So to watch these protests, I must wonder what horrible forces are pushing them on and on. These children are pawns in the hands of the socialists. And I think that the socialists are indeed quite dangerous.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Jon Huntsman: 'I Was Totally Embarrassed' By Republican Debate

I believe that Jon Huntsman is the voice of Contrition in America and I decided that being a liberal democrat, he is up to par with my own ideals and vision for solutions. I do not know that I will be voting for him in 2012 as I feel firmly committed to Obama, but I do think Mr. Hunstman has a very important voice for the days ahead in our Nation. So I gave him a small campaign contributi
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Studies in Hatred
I had to put my glasses on this morning early today when I watched on Fox news the voice and face of a person who spoke arrogantly the other day to Vice President Biden.
I just wanted to see what hatred really looks like.
It looks like Jason Mattera.
That is his blog.
I have never heard of this guy before and I hope I hear little of him in the future.
He looks like one of the 'conservative' saviors of the day who is spewing rhetoric and anti liberal bashing toward the goal of defrauding the American Public and putting a coin in the heavily lined pockets of the great that he loves with his wicked defrauding mind and being.
This guy on television today gestured radically and he spoke by raising his eyebrows and enunciating and blasting his words on the Fox television show. The fox host ingratiated him (Jason).
So the lesson here is that there are those who are planning to defraud our nation. They live only on the airways of the radical right and they get to be on the Fox news when they get a moment in the spotlight.
This guy attacked Mr. Biden the other day over Biden's message that if we do not pass some legislation, our nation will be at risk of a higher crime rate. Probably a true statement.
Well, new antiliberal monster noted. I will go back to my temperate work now.
I just wanted to see what hatred really looks like.
It looks like Jason Mattera.
That is his blog.
I have never heard of this guy before and I hope I hear little of him in the future.
He looks like one of the 'conservative' saviors of the day who is spewing rhetoric and anti liberal bashing toward the goal of defrauding the American Public and putting a coin in the heavily lined pockets of the great that he loves with his wicked defrauding mind and being.
This guy on television today gestured radically and he spoke by raising his eyebrows and enunciating and blasting his words on the Fox television show. The fox host ingratiated him (Jason).
So the lesson here is that there are those who are planning to defraud our nation. They live only on the airways of the radical right and they get to be on the Fox news when they get a moment in the spotlight.
This guy attacked Mr. Biden the other day over Biden's message that if we do not pass some legislation, our nation will be at risk of a higher crime rate. Probably a true statement.
Well, new antiliberal monster noted. I will go back to my temperate work now.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Cain introduced 9 - 0 - 9 plan
Mr. Cain today suggested that for the poor and those under a certain income, they would be in a 9 - 0 - 9 plan whereby they would not pay sales tax.
Is this good?
Think about it.
It basically makes a marked separation between the rich and the poor.
If you cant afford to pay sales tax, you are exempt.
It might seem like a dream to a few people, but really, do you realize that the gap socially between those who have and those who do not have is going to be ever so wider?
This is not a save for his plan.
This is a cheerio that he thinks everyone else will eat while he keeps cutting you out of the right world of Social Change.
Not for me.
Is this good?
Think about it.
It basically makes a marked separation between the rich and the poor.
If you cant afford to pay sales tax, you are exempt.
It might seem like a dream to a few people, but really, do you realize that the gap socially between those who have and those who do not have is going to be ever so wider?
This is not a save for his plan.
This is a cheerio that he thinks everyone else will eat while he keeps cutting you out of the right world of Social Change.
Not for me.
Sinking Liberty
I am going to go swimming in my new Herman Cain 9 9 9 Swim Trunks. I think I will look great in that aqua environment with the 9 9 9 showing in yellow. Just dont look at me when I dive in from
the high dive for it will be 6 6 6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the high dive for it will be 6 6 6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saying no to legalizing Marijuana
If anything that this Occupy Wall Street Movement makes me wake up to is that the legalization of marijuana will be one big mistake that will likely permeate lots of our culture and warp not only the minds of our nation, but also the sophisticated infrastructure.
If OWS was in an era of Legalized Pot, there would be a reefer cloud so high that you would not be able to see the New York Skyline.
I suppose that all the permissives want this policy, but I no longer feel that it would be a liberal policy.
So lets indeed make certain that Marijuana is legalized for medical use, but lets leave it there.
We do not need marijuana sit outs all over the nation and things like this occupy wall street with its mass confluence of personage is not the place for the pot to be celebrated.
Thats my impression.
I am sure that OWS has its own pot smoking screen going on anyhow, but I am sure that if it was legal, it would be a massive pot smoking festival.
If OWS was in an era of Legalized Pot, there would be a reefer cloud so high that you would not be able to see the New York Skyline.
I suppose that all the permissives want this policy, but I no longer feel that it would be a liberal policy.
So lets indeed make certain that Marijuana is legalized for medical use, but lets leave it there.
We do not need marijuana sit outs all over the nation and things like this occupy wall street with its mass confluence of personage is not the place for the pot to be celebrated.
Thats my impression.
I am sure that OWS has its own pot smoking screen going on anyhow, but I am sure that if it was legal, it would be a massive pot smoking festival.
No thanks Occupy

I have this as a design for a car magnet and perhaps also for a bumper sticker.
I am willing to offer this design to the public and will allow you to place an order starting after Nov 15th (as of today 10/21/2011 this is the day I anticipate I will be ready to start this up).
If anyone wants it, please pay pal to me $11 at .
I do not know if I will start a movement, but I am willing to put in the work.
It looks like I will consider placing an order for the magnets each 2-3 weeks depending on the number of orders I receive.
Thanks in advance. and
With Prudence Trust Billows
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Herman Cain: Jesus Was Killed By A 'Liberal Court'

If any such court existed and any such man of Mr. Jesus repute was true, then I believe that jesus was harshly treated, though he is not innocent. He overturned the tables in the temple and caused much public anarchy and civic unrest. So if he was prosecuted for that reason, he likely did indeed merit a trial and some sort of punishment
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Dealing with the Palestinians
To whom ever may be my reader on this issue:
I implore you to look at this prisoner swap between the Palestians and the State of Israel.
Israel was afforded a return of one soldier and citizen. In return, the palestinians demanded and acheived a 1027 man return on men and women who were antagonistic to Israel. I am told that over 100 of these were directly involved in the murder of Israeli citizens.
The fact is, Gilat Shalit the Israeli prisoner did not do anything individually to harm any person in the palestinian communities. Yet those who were released from Israeli prisons committed some of the most heinous crimes.
To me this strikes a simple note in the collective consciousness that this group of arabs today do not wish for a compassionate resolution to any such situation that they feel a right to challenge and belittle. Their terror has been apparant and in this prisoner swap, their demands exceed any normal persons considerations of pain and suffering exchanged in return for the rightful release of any one citizen.
I dare to think that this is the norm of the future.
But believe this, the arabs that Israel must work with for peace in the region are less than compassionate and much less than orthodox in their considerations of peaceful exchanges.
The fact that over 1000 arabs were released and of course that many are known terrorists and wish to destroy Israel puts Israel in a less secure position in terms of its ability to defend its citizens.
To anyone who reads this, consider this in the future when you listen to the demands of a people that are really arabs living in Jewish land who decry foul at every opportunity and give little respect to the suffering of others. This to me seems like the real message in a prisoner swap involving 1027 terrorists and murderers for the life of one soldier.
I implore you to look at this prisoner swap between the Palestians and the State of Israel.
Israel was afforded a return of one soldier and citizen. In return, the palestinians demanded and acheived a 1027 man return on men and women who were antagonistic to Israel. I am told that over 100 of these were directly involved in the murder of Israeli citizens.
The fact is, Gilat Shalit the Israeli prisoner did not do anything individually to harm any person in the palestinian communities. Yet those who were released from Israeli prisons committed some of the most heinous crimes.
To me this strikes a simple note in the collective consciousness that this group of arabs today do not wish for a compassionate resolution to any such situation that they feel a right to challenge and belittle. Their terror has been apparant and in this prisoner swap, their demands exceed any normal persons considerations of pain and suffering exchanged in return for the rightful release of any one citizen.
I dare to think that this is the norm of the future.
But believe this, the arabs that Israel must work with for peace in the region are less than compassionate and much less than orthodox in their considerations of peaceful exchanges.
The fact that over 1000 arabs were released and of course that many are known terrorists and wish to destroy Israel puts Israel in a less secure position in terms of its ability to defend its citizens.
To anyone who reads this, consider this in the future when you listen to the demands of a people that are really arabs living in Jewish land who decry foul at every opportunity and give little respect to the suffering of others. This to me seems like the real message in a prisoner swap involving 1027 terrorists and murderers for the life of one soldier.
Prisoner Swap 1K for 1
Palestine will not gain favor from heaven in the insistence that they are returned murderers and the outragrous terrorists. It is good that Gilat is returned. I am glad we made this deal. I recognize that we may have let the terrorist free for more terror tomorrow. This may be the fact, but the truth is that we have a Creator who redeems Israel. And if this is the price Israel must pay to free the captive righteous, may we be redeemed for our sacrifices and belief that Hashem is our protector.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Kicking in the door of the employer and demanding to be hired
We being liberal minded Americans always champion the causes of the maligned, marginaliz ed, doublecros sed and belittled among our people. That is a must. But to support the conduit that this movement has chosen namely the presence in our thoroughfa res of commerce supplants the needs of the poor by creating an anarchy affair in the commerce districts. This does not belong in our commerce districts and must stay in places where legislatio n and political discourse is a optimized commodity. This means the protests should be in the American Capitals and not on Wall Street. Did they make their contention public? Yes. But they also added to public inflammati on which to me seems counter productive . So yes, I agree they have valid demands. But no, I disagree that kicking in the door of the employer is going to get you a job in the long run. Just a thought.
Legitimate treatises of power and influence
I am looking at the Occupy Wall Street Movement. They have a large body and they appear everywhere.
There are some who equate this with power.
This is not true power.
This is confluence. This means that they are able to be seen and that they subvert the attention of otherwise important matters by their sheer numbers and enormousity.
They have no power to legislate and they have no power to litigate as a mass movement.
If they launched a tort case, they would not win more than a dollar fifty each.
There are some who equate this with power.
This is not true power.
This is confluence. This means that they are able to be seen and that they subvert the attention of otherwise important matters by their sheer numbers and enormousity.
They have no power to legislate and they have no power to litigate as a mass movement.
If they launched a tort case, they would not win more than a dollar fifty each.
The Golden Calf and Occupy Wall Street

Occupy movements as we have thus are sheer Anarchy movements. True they may have some injustice and wickedness on their list of complaints
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The 9-9-9 plan of Cain
What is Herman Cain's 999 plan?
It is Steak Knife Capitalism.
By this plan, you cut off your fingers when you play in the marketplace.
This is no good and I do not anticipate we will ever have a policy of steak-knife capitalism.
It is Steak Knife Capitalism.
By this plan, you cut off your fingers when you play in the marketplace.
This is no good and I do not anticipate we will ever have a policy of steak-knife capitalism.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Similarities or the same thing????
The 2 political fringe movements today get a lot of comparison. The Tea Party with the Occupy Movement.
They are very similar, though I invite you to realize that they have different origins.
The Tea Party is a Power lust way.
The Occupy is Paper Lust.
There is a different, though they mirror eachother don't they.
They are very similar, though I invite you to realize that they have different origins.
The Tea Party is a Power lust way.
The Occupy is Paper Lust.
There is a different, though they mirror eachother don't they.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Blood lust vs Paper lust
Leave it to a wicked regime to compare blood lust (arab spring) with Paper lust (the American Occupy movements).
Leave it to a wicked regime to compare blood lust (arab spring) with Paper lust (the American Occupy movements).
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Heresy: Herman Cain To Occupy Wall Street Protesters: If You’re Not Rich ‘Blame Yourself’
Mr. Cain is like a dog who has fetched the bone. He does not care who threw the bone or what the bone came from. Its a bone and hes going to fetch. The fact is that this Occupy movement while being a group of anarchists is still legitimate in some of their concerns. That said, their methods by which they are voicing their concerns are illigitimate and it should be done somewhere else where commerce is not rendered disabled.
Mr. Cain is like an acorn that drops from the tree and then sprouts a tree. The acorn didn't do it alone, yet if Mr. Cain was this acorn, he would fail to acnowledge that the sunlight and rainfall were the big contributors to the growth of the tree. By saying that people are poor becuase is it totally their fault, he ignores socio political forces and he ignores the marketplace which does not clearly buy everything that is advertised. So while the young may continue to work hard, there will be a difficulty in finding jobs for now and likely into the future. That is the problem, Mr. Cain.... not the work ethic and drive of the underclass that you seem to wish to dismiss with your large pepporoni express of a candidacy. Shalom!
Mr. Cain is like a dog who has fetched the bone. He does not care who threw the bone or what the bone came from. Its a bone and hes going to fetch. The fact is that this Occupy movement while being a group of anarchists is still legitimate in some of their concerns. That said, their methods by which they are voicing their concerns are illigitimate and it should be done somewhere else where commerce is not rendered disabled.
Mr. Cain is like an acorn that drops from the tree and then sprouts a tree. The acorn didn't do it alone, yet if Mr. Cain was this acorn, he would fail to acnowledge that the sunlight and rainfall were the big contributors to the growth of the tree. By saying that people are poor becuase is it totally their fault, he ignores socio political forces and he ignores the marketplace which does not clearly buy everything that is advertised. So while the young may continue to work hard, there will be a difficulty in finding jobs for now and likely into the future. That is the problem, Mr. Cain.... not the work ethic and drive of the underclass that you seem to wish to dismiss with your large pepporoni express of a candidacy. Shalom!
And The First 2012 Candidate To Endorse Occupy Wall Street Is...

What does a duck do when you step on its foot? It quacks. So too does the occupy wall street protester when you take away its place on wall street. These children could do better if they just made a march on Washington D.C.
These children in New York are about as constructi
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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