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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Is America a Nation of Book Burners?
Reading is a priviledge afforded to humanity by a Creator who allowed our minds to synthesize the written word and compose sentences and thoughts from the meer entry of words and syntax on a medium. Therefore, to burn a book or any written bound document signifies that you do not acheive any significan ce in the world as a human being and that your goals are to ruin the pleasure of any other human being from being able to read the written bound material. Perhaps if the work is unbound you may certainly have at it in your spare time to do as you wish. But that said, once a book is bound, it signifies that it existed for trust and humanity and that it is the purpose of the lives we live to make certain that this material has a purpose that will endure. To burn bound materials or Dare I add a script such as a Torah or other scrolled medium one must only lay down his own license to live as a free man and succumb to the relentless death that awaits in the end of his days. Thats it. And Heinreich Heime who I believe wrote in the 1890s was correct.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Why do I say that Socialism can not ever exist in permanence?
Why do I say that Socialism can not exist if there is a True God? Because socialism does not reward goodness in any sense. It does indeed reward the community, but we must believe that there is a True Creator if we ascribe ourselves to a theory that the World is not some random event. In that case, if the Creator as I will assert is benevolent and well meaning, good work and good thoughts and good actions have a reward. Not just in the world to come that our peoples many of which do believe in say that be heaven or whatsoever you may refer to the here after as. But that said, one must associate that success on Earth does indeed result in good returns and happy living on Earth. So that said, as long as God is REAL, there is no way that there could ever in any sense be a socialist system where by all the rewards are divided among the people. True we could implement such a thing, but I can assure you that it would never ever last the ages. That's my take on socialism.
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Why Libertarianism fails
Libertarianism fails for the specific reason that if our Creator wanted a 'hands off' government system, our Creator would never have needed to assign leaders to lead. We could just make automatons and let them carry out their jobs. No, this Universe has Leaders and our leadership determines our outcomes. So with a true libertaria n system, the leaders are all lay persons living their own independan t lives. There is no reason for perfection of the government becuase it only exists to get you out of that hole you might find yourself in whether by attack from a foreign adversary or from your own indigence dare I consider that to be a considerat ion. So therefore, one must not wish to have a fully hands off government and one must consider that the future is government by the people and for the people so that the people can flourish in all realms of our existence while in the borders so governed.
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A Kabbalistic View of Evolution
Darwinism is not pagan or heresy. It is a scientific minded way to explain the Universe. Clearly our Creator afforded for scientific reasoning, though perhaps it does not always "jive" with Creationis m. That said, this is the mystery of life and the Universe. I personally believe that our Creator has made it so that we may have some free thinking regarding our place in the Universe and how we got here. Its healthy to look at scientific evidence and imagine a perfect world as we are now complex life forms living in a social system emerging from nothing at all except a big bang so many billions of years ago. Right? So keep it at 5771 today and remember that our Creator wants us to explore intelligen ce rather than just live in a one way thought process that will not evolve even though to a thinking man, Creation makes sense.
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What Would Jesus Do About Islam?
Ask not what Jesus would do, ask what G-d wants the future to be for our people.
Israel is a major contention of those who are Islamic today. They ration that since God let them live on the land at one time, that God wants them to be there forever. This may or may not be our Creators plan. That said, seeing that soem 5.5 million Jews live in Israel today, one must know that our Creator has had a hand in doing this mass movement of peoples. That said, there will never be peace in the middle east until the Islamic republics recognize the manifest destiny of the Jewish people in Israel. As for radicalism, we must continue to educate. And dare I add that by the beliefs of the Jewish Faith, our God is a God of War. This is not going to be an easy future where there is terrorism and rampant hatred. So thus, if there is to be casualties in the future, realize that the goals of Western Civilization are most likely the Clear goals of our Creator today and that our manifest destiny is to ensure the fruition and benevolence of our own society.
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Israel is a major contention of those who are Islamic today. They ration that since God let them live on the land at one time, that God wants them to be there forever. This may or may not be our Creators plan. That said, seeing that soem 5.5 million Jews live in Israel today, one must know that our Creator has had a hand in doing this mass movement of peoples. That said, there will never be peace in the middle east until the Islamic republics recognize the manifest destiny of the Jewish people in Israel. As for radicalism
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Adequate Taxation
This is a must. Of course, right? But today you will hear abhorrent cries of "socialism" everytime a democrat tries to affix adequate taxation on the uber rich. True many of these people serve a vital function in our society. There should be some way to reward them. Clearly to most people, the monetary gain and fiduciary triumph is the outcome that they desire the most and to be well to do at a higher than the rest level suits many of these people just fine. But what is it that you are saying? Is is ok for our middle class and other CITIZENS to live below standards that are nominally needed in this society? What if you lose your home due to illness? Or you can not afford basic necessities, healthy meals, adequate shelter, news services (this one I could not part with) or other important details of the basic human lifestyle. Is it socialism to make sure that our Citizens are adequately served?
Do you even understand that with a TRUE GOD, there can be NO SOCIALISM at any length. Why is this? Because to make a lifestyle where God is not present as one does in socialism, there is no future for humanity. So lets get rid of the creepy socialism call. Even those who think they want this "socialism" really just want prosperity. And that's what it is.
What is this "Work hard, Play hard" philosophy? You get a good job and make a difference at some level and thus you must travel to the Bahamas yearly or more or go on extraordinary vacations, drive luxury automobiles, live in grossly enlarged living spaces, own supersized yachts and all the like when a guy like myself may not even be able to afford cable television in 20-30 years? C'mon. There is a need to be fiscally responsible citizens. Perhaps the adage should be "Work hard, be diligent". Then we can have a successful economy, a successful healthy lifestyle and all of our CITIZENS will be able to share in American Prosperity.
Thus our society will be able to flourish and a fellow like myself does not need to be concerned with his property or human rights in my later years. Thanks.
Do you even understand that with a TRUE GOD, there can be NO SOCIALISM at any length. Why is this? Because to make a lifestyle where God is not present as one does in socialism, there is no future for humanity. So lets get rid of the creepy socialism call. Even those who think they want this "socialism" really just want prosperity. And that's what it is.
What is this "Work hard, Play hard" philosophy? You get a good job and make a difference at some level and thus you must travel to the Bahamas yearly or more or go on extraordinary vacations, drive luxury automobiles, live in grossly enlarged living spaces, own supersized yachts and all the like when a guy like myself may not even be able to afford cable television in 20-30 years? C'mon. There is a need to be fiscally responsible citizens. Perhaps the adage should be "Work hard, be diligent". Then we can have a successful economy, a successful healthy lifestyle and all of our CITIZENS will be able to share in American Prosperity.
Thus our society will be able to flourish and a fellow like myself does not need to be concerned with his property or human rights in my later years. Thanks.
Paul Ryan in Your Pockets: Government by People Who Hate You
The idea that we should not adequately tax the ultra rich in this civilizati on is absurd and foolishnes s. To think that our main stream society must suffer and pay expenses that are unable to be covered by any significan t manner without losing say your house or your other needs in life is to say that our civilizati on is only one for the uber rich and well to do. If you are making over 250,000, realize that there is a Creator in this Universe that LETS YOU do so. That said, perhaps you get up an hour earlier or you work a few more hours or have a special role in society. Be glad. You are important to humanity I might hope, but that said, your earnings are not your priority, are they? Did you need exorbitant luxuries while your common fellow man perishes in debts? C'mon. This is a land for all peoples and your priorities in your lifestyle are perhaps not the ones that a Creator of this Universe intended upon society in face of deficits elsewhere. Get it?
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Monday, April 11, 2011
France Bans Burqas: A Look At Islamic Veil Laws In Europe

Sadly, this ban is plain xenophobia and has no real security or personal need in any society. The idea of covering one's face, if done in America, is not unconstitu
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Sunday, April 10, 2011
Disagreeing with Ronald

Disagree with Mr. Reagan. Sometimes our lives need someone to run them... Our Creator. And thus if the government is a branch of our Creator's esteem, we do let the government run our lives to an extent as well. Thanks!
The Problem with Today's thinking
The problem today is that everyone wants to change thier pocket. They have not yet decided that they want to repair the world.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Should Congress be paid if there is a Government Shut Down
I say yes. They were elected to office. They were not conscripted. So therefore, they should be paid. This is not a way to be vindictive becuase their jobs collided with one another. We here in America elect our representatives to do our business. So there is no reason to dock their pay becuase they are unable to make progress as needed in a timely manner. But the other employees sadly would be docked.
This is clearly a liberal opinion. I saw on facebook that a survery on this matter said they should be docked at a rate of 30 to 1 compared to those who say they should not be docked pay.
This is clearly a liberal opinion. I saw on facebook that a survery on this matter said they should be docked at a rate of 30 to 1 compared to those who say they should not be docked pay.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Why Zionism is not the word of the future
I just have to say that the word Zionism is really not the word that to me describes the Jewish people's affinity for Israel. Israel is a true Jewish state. Not a "zionist" state.
The idea of a Jewish Homeland is a fundimental.
I don't think that the name zionism does any justice for the Jewish People's causes.
It is a war cry for the religious extremists which number many.
Our own people are divided on this concept as well.
So that said, lets call it what it is. Trust in God to bring a better future.
With that we can say that the Jewish movement for a home land is a true and always present force in the Universe. Therefore the idea that an 18th Century idea can be the future called Zionism is just to say that our people really never wanted to live in Israel until then. They did.
So the Zionist movement was instrumental in the future and foundation of a Jewish state.
But that said, it is not a Zionist state. It is a true Jewish State and must be considered there so.
The idea of a Jewish Homeland is a fundimental.
I don't think that the name zionism does any justice for the Jewish People's causes.
It is a war cry for the religious extremists which number many.
Our own people are divided on this concept as well.
So that said, lets call it what it is. Trust in God to bring a better future.
With that we can say that the Jewish movement for a home land is a true and always present force in the Universe. Therefore the idea that an 18th Century idea can be the future called Zionism is just to say that our people really never wanted to live in Israel until then. They did.
So the Zionist movement was instrumental in the future and foundation of a Jewish state.
But that said, it is not a Zionist state. It is a true Jewish State and must be considered there so.
Understanding Sharia Law

When I think of Sharia law, I am always first to think of the severing of hands and even legs from the act of theft. This is clearly not going to be in a western civilizati
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sending a Check to the Asylum
Sadly, we can't help everyone with a mental illness. We can do our best to steer them as it may be needed. If not us someone else can help. So if someone with a similiar situation has been trouble for you in your days, you may wish to make a contribution to NAMI, the National Alliance for Mental Illness.
I happen to know a fellow who for my entire life has behaved irresponsibly and has made perverse and nasty statements as long as I have known him. So today, I just gave a small contribution to NAMI of my state. I do feel better and maybe he will get help someday as I have just shown the Universe that he is a concern. Thanks.
I happen to know a fellow who for my entire life has behaved irresponsibly and has made perverse and nasty statements as long as I have known him. So today, I just gave a small contribution to NAMI of my state. I do feel better and maybe he will get help someday as I have just shown the Universe that he is a concern. Thanks.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Donations to Holocaust Rememberance Funds
Donation made to Yad Vashem tonight for $36 dollars in retribution for a friend's own personal holocaust on my Jewish Life. It was sad and it was necessary. I can only hope that the future is better for all of us.
Going to Germany
I must say that sadly, there are many Jews who tell me that they "would never go to Germany". I'm sure you know that its not because they just dont like beer huh? Germany is a place with an awful past of course, but don't fret. The soil is not the whore. Its the Nazis of course and may they never return to society ever. Thanks.
Moses, Media Piracy and the MPAA

Piracy of movies is a shallow accomplish
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Speaking about peoples in America
I referred to a friend as an Islamic American today. Someone questioned my choice of language and said do you call a Catholic a Catholic American?.. I say if they were catholic I'd call them an American Catholic.
This is my reasoning.
Islam and Judaism come first between being named with being an American. This is because both of these associations are a stronger association than our country of origin, though being an American is a high strong priority. That said, you say Jewish American rather than an American Jew.
But with Christianity and say Hinduism and the other religions, its the other way around. An American Protestant, an American Mormon or an American Hindu. American Sikh.
The reason I promote Islam and Judaism is two fold. 1. they both endorse Modesty in their presentation. and 2. both abhor the practice of charging interest among their own peoples. This to me is a higher association than just being a christian or whatever and so forth. So thats the way that things seem to make sense to me. Make sense to you? Thanks.
This is my reasoning.
Islam and Judaism come first between being named with being an American. This is because both of these associations are a stronger association than our country of origin, though being an American is a high strong priority. That said, you say Jewish American rather than an American Jew.
But with Christianity and say Hinduism and the other religions, its the other way around. An American Protestant, an American Mormon or an American Hindu. American Sikh.
The reason I promote Islam and Judaism is two fold. 1. they both endorse Modesty in their presentation. and 2. both abhor the practice of charging interest among their own peoples. This to me is a higher association than just being a christian or whatever and so forth. So thats the way that things seem to make sense to me. Make sense to you? Thanks.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
A College Education: It's Not a Product; It's a Platform
This was a good article. College education IS a platform. A platform to visit the future and bring with you a whip and an anvil. Be trustworthy if you are of a strong mind and get a full college degree at the least. It certifies to God that you can accept Instruction. That means that your Creator will give you big jobs. Regardless of your income in life, College makes you what you can be to be a clay that God can mold as he so chooses. Those like Bill Gates who are philantropic are true heros, but his lack of a college degree indicates that even Mr. Gates is not completely orthodox in his caliber. So that said, get your degree and then do your future as a college graduate.
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Grapes of Wrath
It has taken me 20 years since high school but I finally took out the book Grapes of Wrath on my book collection to read. I must say this book is so bottom licking and ugly that noone can imagine what Steinbeck's mind must have been feeling when he wrote all of these words. I am going to take a good while to get into this book and do the entire reading, but that said if you read it and imagine what he felt when he wrote this book, you find yourself in a backwards lifestyle that can not ever be recovered and then you realize that you are just the bottom of the flag heap and that you can not ever change your watch in public. Thats a fact and if you read the whole book and don't browse over the thoughts in the book, you'll just wake up and think its about the dust bowl. Hell no. Its a huge work that speaks to the soundness of the whore house in your bedroom that you did not even smell and its growing fat and ugly and it wants more children to see its fat ugly face every day of the year. Scary huh? So thats where I am so far and I'm about three or four chapters into the work. Its about a man named Joad and he really smells like a rat in a maze of freaks and zombies. That is nuts and this book is the most profoundly interestingly narcissistically ugly works of triumphant literation I have ever vomited into the back of my eye and into my ear too. So be good and give it what it needs. It might be the most profound works ever written and thats what I think on chapter three.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Obama on Libya: George W. Bush 2.0

This post above reeks of sensationa
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Burning the Quran Is No Childish Game

Too burn a bound copy of a material is to say to God that Gods approval of letting the material be bound by mankind was a Godless thing to do. To attack the content of the Quran, you must first read some of it and then DISCUSS IT. There are blogs and forums for this activity. Write to your newspaper. I do not regard the Quran as Gods True word. In orthodox Judaism we believe that God will give us eloquent speech if he so chooses. That is the speech of the Jewish Bible and that is the type of leadership that we brought forward in the Godly documents such as the American Constituti
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